Daily Pic

New camera, new iPad mini, new editing software, and I haven't figured how to use any of it yet. I'm trying to figure out how to edit and upload a 360 degree video.
This was my last landing of the day. Actually it was last + 1. On what was supposed to be my last landing I managed to decapitate a small, fuzzy critter with the right brake line.
"Alvin and the Chipmunks" may be a duet now, or maybe they are just "The Chipmunks".
I got out, cleaned up the gore, and went around to make sure the brakes still worked.
I don't know why I bothered. It's a Cub. The brakes rarely work.
Looks fun! I’m going up in a cub at noon today - excited!
A one minute video about nothing.
But it is my first ever functioning 360 degree video.
The one big disappointment with the Insta360 One X is there is no way to connect an external audio source. I have to use a GoPro and splice in the audio. You are better off going to YouTube and pasting in the link, or open settings and pick 4K
A one minute video about nothing.
But it is my first ever functioning 360 degree video.
The one big disappointment with the Insta360 One X is there is no way to connect an external audio source. I have to use a GoPro and splice in the audio. You are better off going to YouTube and pasting in the link, or open settings and pick 4K

I kinda like those 360 cameras
Dodged the thunderstorms today to take this lady out to lunch for our 13th anniversary. Rick's Boatyard Cafe across the street from KEYE north of Indianapolis.... two (four?) thumbs up!View attachment 87169

I keep forgetting about that place. A bit long for a lunch run, but maybe a mid-west lunch call there sometime would be good.

KECP overnight

Headed to KECP in a few weeks, beach time! Never been there, nice airport?
Great shots! Where were those taken? I grew up in Idaho, though wasn't yet a pilot when I was there.

Thanks, glad you liked them! The airport is Smith Prairie (2U0) and the river/canyon is the South Fork of the Boise River close to Prairie, ID.
Headed to KECP in a few weeks, beach time! Never been there, nice airport?

-infrastructure awesome
-new, and far from town -so support has not caught up yet (zero gas/food/hotel for miles)
-fbo not all counter staff are mmm..)’southern-hospitable’?
-if staying on the strip, expect ‘youthful street noise’ til 2:00am
-there are probably beaches that are not overrun with hordes of people nearby but I didn’t have time to seek them out.
-what is with the new annoying fad of giving all 6 people (including toddlers) in a family 30,000 lumen, 6000K LED flashlites to carelessly blind oncoming night beachwalkers?
Captain @Bill Jennings - 9 o’clock. Shortly after, he left me in the dust. Overtook me +30kts

Reminds me of how I got my partner in the Mooney. He flew an Arrow over to my home field to look at it, and since I had a meeting at the field he rented the Arrow from afterwards, we were both flying the same route. I let him take off first...

"Arrow 13Whiskey, traffic 6 o'clock and 3 miles is a Mooney with a 40 knot overtake." :rofl: SOLD!!!

And here's what it looks like, though this is from a 172 so an even larger speed difference:

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Reminds me of how I got my partner in the Mooney. He flew an Arrow over to my home field to look at it, and since I had a meeting at the field he rented the Arrow from afterwards, we were both flying the same route. I let him take off first...

"Arrow 13Whiskey, traffic 6 o'clock and 3 miles is a Mooney with a 40 knot overtake." :rofl: SOLD!!!

And here's what it looks like, though this is from a 172 so an even larger speed difference:

Bah! I should’ve gotten a video!
"Arrow 13Whiskey, traffic 6 o'clock and 3 miles is a Mooney with a 40 knot overtake." :rofl: SOLD!!!

I was +35 as I went by, and I wasn’t running it hard, 24 square, as we were down low and I don’t like caning the engine hard down low.

Angel Flight to Bar Harbor, Maine last month.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How did the pics that you took come out?

Not good, shooting into the sun the camera focused on the dirty window and not the plane. Nothing but a blurry black blob.
I was +35 as I went by, and I wasn’t running it hard, 24 square, as we were down low and I don’t like caning the engine hard down low.

Definitely - I'm a 65% LOP every time guy. But, the R at 65% is the same amount of power as the J at 91%! :o But you're probably only 10-15 knots slower than me on 20% less fuel burn. It's no wonder everyone flocks to the M20J!
Early morning Jaunt East...

Wilson Industrial Air Center Airport... [W03]

Home of the East Carolina University Pirates... "Aaarrgghhh" Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium Greenville, NC

Approaching Washing-Warren Airport [KOCW] Tar River opening up to The Pamlico River