Daily Pic

Here's a few I took coming back from Oshkosh. Love the scenery in New Mexico, and that at 8500' msl cruise I'm about 1500' agl...gives one a nice sense of speed. Overflew Sedona a little later. Thought about swooping down for a late breakfast, but I was making good time and decided to press on.



How long from OSH to SoCal?

It's about 10-11 flight hours, doing 150-155 KTAS. Dropped a friend off at Chicago Exec, then to Marshall, MO (ag airport with lots of Piper Pawnees), then to Borger, TX (oil town with one of six US refineries that produce 100LL), then Grants-Milan, NM (talk to Ray in the FBO...what a character!) and then home to Cable. Worst weather on the whole trip was the last 20 minutes into Cable, dodging rain shafts up against San Gabriel mountains.
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Huey 823 made it up to my home field this am. Was great to hear that sound and take the kids up in a living piece of history. Nice turn out of veterans who are offered a free ride!!

I immediately thought of stomping on the seat belt to remind the guy up front to do his 15-minute fuel check.

That was the buddy system in Army flight school!
5AC4CE9D-07F6-4BCD-8302-CD344B5B6353.jpeg I flew over to T74, Taylor, TX Friday evening for a morning photo-flight with LowflyingJack.

It was a great flight but it was my first night flight in a while, and it turns out that I left the panel lights on after the last night flight. The result is that my avionics guy and I have a lot of instrument bulbs to replace when the temps cool down this fall.

Prepping for our first speed rally at Secunda Airport (FASC)