Cross country weather planning

I really like it but the time off? It's 1028 local / 1728 UTL yet it's showing 1400 local / 2100 UTC? Or is it meant to be 3 1/2 hours ahead for planning purposes...?
I really like it but the time off? It's 1028 local / 1728 UTL yet it's showing 1400 local / 2100 UTC? Or is it meant to be 3 1/2 hours ahead for planning purposes...?
I could be mistaken, but I think it's always showing future forecasted periods, not intended to show you current METARs+data for now. That future time it shows is probably the earliest forecasted data it has. This is just a guess based on the intended use case of the app.

Separately, I've already used this app for 2 XC flights. Thanks again for building and sharing Greg Lutz!
Just gotta say I've been using this for months now and I've found it immensely useful for XC planning!
A great way to visualize the data and find windows with good wx to go.
Thank you for building it!