Just weeks after my getting my PPL and probably not more than 10 additional hours more I bought a 182 MUCH quicker than I though I would...kicker was that it was in FL and I was in CA. Had my CFI lined up to do the treck cross country but he had to back out. After MUCH planning, research and input (a LOT from this board) a non aviation friend and I made the trip in 2.5 days with great success...I knew the risks and brought along an adventurous friend that I knew could handle any adverse situations should they arise. (he knew fully what he was getting into!)
To say it was a learning experience was an understatement. Gave me such a greater knowledge of the plane, ATC, trip planning, density altitude, diversion, en route weather, beater crew cars with missing mirrors, great local eats...and everything else that sounds great on paper and in the classroom but doesn't mean a rats a$$ till you ACTUALLY experience it!
I know other pilots with much more time locally that have never left their 50nm bubble and are afraid of different airspace so I think it is one of the BEST things a pilot can do and least that was the case for me. It was a GREAT confidence builder...and I lived!
Now...not having your cert yet...I agree and would take the opportunity to pay to bring your CFI along as dual training. Will give you a chance to apply some real world flying and adapt to the new plane for the check ride.
To say it was a learning experience was an understatement. Gave me such a greater knowledge of the plane, ATC, trip planning, density altitude, diversion, en route weather, beater crew cars with missing mirrors, great local eats...and everything else that sounds great on paper and in the classroom but doesn't mean a rats a$$ till you ACTUALLY experience it!
I know other pilots with much more time locally that have never left their 50nm bubble and are afraid of different airspace so I think it is one of the BEST things a pilot can do and least that was the case for me. It was a GREAT confidence builder...and I lived!
Now...not having your cert yet...I agree and would take the opportunity to pay to bring your CFI along as dual training. Will give you a chance to apply some real world flying and adapt to the new plane for the check ride.
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