Ooh, that's a good one. I have no idea. Perhaps our friend who used to own one will chime in.
Having watched a moron who didn't maintain his landing gear have to shut the front engine down to "save the prop" and bounce it with the starter key, I distinctly remember the front engine turns to the right.
My second and last flight with that idiot who couldn't afford proper maintenance on either of his airplanes, or so I learned later.
VFR into IMC in the Rockies with the radios acting up too. Guy was a real gem. Held an ATP, too.
It's a long story about how I ended up on a trip in his 337, and how he should have had the gear looked at in Las Vegas, but it's the only time I've had fire equipment on the runway for a landing so far.
Nose gear light came on in the flare after circling and screwing with it for an hour at night.
Dude was a lot luckier than he was smart. Me too. I got a great education as a very low-time Private Pilot about what it looks like to be an accident statistic waiting to happen.
Filed the knowledge and experience in the "Don't ever act like that idiot", and "Don't get in airplanes that have exhibited major maintenance problems before a mechanic works on them." brain-files.
Ride the bus home if you have to...
No matter how convincing the owner sounds when he says, 'Oh it's no big deal, it does this all the time!'
Also learned the lesson, "Rated pilots don't give up control seats to bosses just because they want to sit up front." Got to watch the insanity build from the back seat. Even as a wing-leveler I would have been more useful up front while the guy went heads-down numerous times and forgot about flying the plane while he farted with his landing gear punp breaker, and everything else up there, at night, aimed at the mountains, bank increasing until he'd snap upright at our "heads up" comments over the intercom from the back seat.