Cougars: They're Baaack!

Re: Cougers: They're Baaack!

i think I may reconsider some geochaching in the area for the time being. Or at least start to arm myself.

You have nothing to worry about from the cats, you'll be lucky to see them. We used to have one that had our, and two neighboring ranches as it's territory. Every now and then I'd see he up on the rock on the top of our property sunning, beautiful, every now and then see her in the brush as well. We'd lose a couple goats a year, and the neighbors would lose a couple of calves or old cows, not too great a loss, I figure she ate mostly rabbits and other varmints. We all agreed to post our places "No Hunting" so some a--wipe wouldn't shoot her. I always looked around for cubs, but never saw one.
Re: Cougers: They're Baaack!

Tisk tisk. You're in Illinois, my friend. In order to remain a violence-free state, you're compelled by law to go unarmed. In turn, the animals (human or nonhuman) will leave you alone out of respect for the law.

The cats will leave you alone because you are not a prey species and they can't afford to get injured.