Final Approach
Hold On Folks:
The bulk of the expense was the Top Overhaul. 3 of my 4 cylinders had valve/valve guide issues, then failed analysis at Penn Yan, and could not be overhauled due to internal cracks in the exhaust ports, and this was an issue of airworthiness of that engine. I decided to go with new OEM jugs from Lycoming that were first sent to Penn Yan to be spec'd out and then shipped to my shop, that cost me 6K in parts alone. The notion that this is misleading, Ron, is a foolish assumption on your part. This is the reality of owning an aircraft. A reality that you should know better than almost anyone here. Other than the newly added monitoring system, which to me was a good move along with the top overhaul, all of the work done on my aircraft was for both airworthiness issues and preventive MX. Nothing was cosmetic. If you like, I can scan the invoice and detailed breakdown of hours and work done and send it to you for your approval.
Telling anyone that they can get away with an annual at a given price point, whatever that is, (I'm not talking about the inspection alone) is downright foolish, misleading , and dangerous.
And how many hours and years did those parts have on them?
If you put away$10/hr for overhaul reserve would that pay for it?
No one is disputing the need for an overhaul to keep the plane airworthy. Just that the accepted method of dealing with overhaul costs is to account for them separately from annual inspections and normal wear and tear.