Conspiracy theorists, grab your tinfoil hat and strum your HAARP

Sac Arrow

Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
May 11, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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Snorting his way across the USA

I know, I know, History Channel. HAARP is a military phased radio array research facility. These guys visit it on foot, claim it's still operating, have all kinds of dramatic physical symptoms, and talk to lots of 'experts.' At the end, they fly aboard a helicopter, and the pilot claims "this is as close as we can get" and the helicopter acts all wonky, but they manage to get back safely.

If you look on Skyvector and find the facility just northeast of Gakona, AK, it's simply labeled with a dot saying "antenna array" but there isn't any form of restricted airspace around it.

I mean, it's still entertaining...
Those guys in the helicopter could have just drove right up to HAARP and saved a lot of money. Taking picture with a drone would have been right up close. :rolleyes2:

The highway going by is the main road between Anchorage and everywhere. Not long ago I drove by in a modern vehicle and it didn't blow-up.
Photos from 4500’ a couple weeks ago. Neither my phone nor my avionics were spooked. It was interesting to see it from above after having driven past it many times, though.


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Cool antenna array. Reminds me of the Duga radar array. Something about large antennas is just cool, the GOAT being Arecibo of course.

It is tragic to see how far outlets like The History Channel, Discovery Channel, and TLC have fallen. Natural consequence of our modern world of increasing anti-intellectualism and “alternative facts” IMO.
Did not bother to watch much of that video.

EMF meter found electromagnetic energy present. Wow, and way out here in the boonies? Must come from the HAARP facility transmitting!
Then, they must back off to launch their drone, to avoid the high voltage power lines they were standing under.
At the higher voltage power substations that I worked in, at night, we would take a 4 foot fluorescent light tube, and carry it as a flash light, when walking in the switch yard. It only lit half brilliance, but 20 watts is a lot of light, and it is 360 degree light, so anyone with you has good light too.

An interesting characteristic of phased arrays is that they are purely directional control, with no true distance control, in other words, the further away, the weaker, so any horizontal effects would be concentrated locally. That, of course, caused one local mind to order his stomach to be upset, but due to the narrow beam, had no effect on his companions. Oddly the one patting him on the back was not in the beam. The actual array here is oriented vertically, and with precise timing of the signal to the antennae, radially outward from the center, energy can be concentrated upwards, which is the design direction.

The drone pilot became in capacitated too, unable to order the drone to come back, but he could talk just fine. That is very well directed thought control. Master mind behind that fence is a frustrated drone pilot, wanted to fly it some more, before releasing these guys from his control.

The spectrum analyzer found the energy in the sub audio band, which includes 60 cycle............Duh, what else would you expect, standing under a power line, at standard frequency of 60 cycles? Note that they held that iPhone app analyzer at an angle that we could not read, instead of posting up the raw facts?

Sneaking around in the dark keeps us from seeing that there are no foot tracks inside the fence, or vehicle tracks, which would reveal that there is no one actually there to attack them with sub audio directed energy, and drive them away.

Of course, I suitably protected myself from their dangerous images by wearing aluminized, reflective sunglasses, which reflected all the bad rays back into the monitor, and thus the internet, leaving my mind safe.

Domenick posted a link to the Wiki on the history and function, which is quite long and interesting. No aluminized glasses needed.

After thought, the series on Alaska Highway patrol, they talked of the rate of missing person reports, versus finding such persons. People up there are fast to report, as a person can die quickly. Most are found, just fine except for hangovers. Actual deaths or disappearances are a small percentage of reported missing.
Cool antenna array. Reminds me of the Duga radar array. Something about large antennas is just cool, the GOAT being Arecibo of course.

It is tragic to see how far outlets like The History Channel, Discovery Channel, and TLC have fallen. Natural consequence of our modern world of increasing anti-intellectualism and “alternative facts” IMO.

Science Channel is another one. It's always on at the gym with some overly-produced, hyped-up story that turns out to be a nothingburger by the end of the show.
Science Channel is another one. It's always on at the gym with some overly-produced, hyped-up story that turns out to be a nothingburger by the end of the show.
Forgot about that one. I haven’t watched cable or network TV in over a decade since I went to college and cut the cord. Have never felt like I was missing much.

Growing up I practically lived on Discovery Channel, Science Channel, TLC, and Food Network. Now all of them are either stupid overly dramatic reality show/competitions or pseudo-science BS. YouTube has much more legitimate and useful educational content, for all educational levels, than network tv at this point. Tons of crap there too of course but at least there is also legitimately high quality content by educators and highly educated individuals if you seek it out.