I believe there are some folks here who fly and carry so I thought I'd ask. Other than general state laws around CCW, are there any aircraft/airport specific rules/regs one would need to worry about if they're going to carry? Of course we know at most podunk GA fields nobody is going to look/check/think about it if there's even anyone there when you land but what about big class D or C airports with a passenger terminal on the other side of the field?
I don't know of any but that doesn't mean they don't exist.
Interesting quandary, not really. Conceal where legal. Otherwise, you are breaking the law, and the FAA would frown upon that.
Reminds me of a post I did a while back... My son was overseas on an extended sightseeing tour courtesy of Uncle Sam when his grandfather passed so when he was home for a visit I rented a plane from the flight school I had my training and we flew from the local class C to a small GA airport close to the family farm. Incidentally, that is about a 4-hour drive one-way.
His uncle (my BIL) had several long guns and a pistol, which had been left to my son, along with a significant amount of ammo applicable to the aforementioned platforms that he wanted out of the house. We loaded these into the back seat of a 172 and took off at about 5pm in early November, which would put us on the ground shortly after sunset.
As we approached the class C space and I began to think about the procedures for the return it dawned on me that we would be going through Signature Flight Services lobby and walking past some staff, which could be problematic. We started talking about how to handle things and decided the boxes, as well as the loose ammo would easily fit in the carry cooler taken along that morning for a couple of water bottles. We had each taken a slightly heavy jacket, which we decided could be loosely folded over the long guns and, if carried properly, allowed to hang down without being seen by the casual observer. The last thing we decided was that he would enter slightly behind me and to my left, away from the view of the desk staff, then exit quickly through the parking lot door on the left a few steps away.
As we taxied up I decided to park at the far end of the ramp away from a view at the door and allowing us to get unloaded without being closely watched. This gave us ample opportunity to adjust our carry loads; for instance that cooler bag was significantly heavy now. He crossed behind me as the sliding doors opened and passed across the lobby quickly as I carried the cooler and the flight bags out, walking now behind him.
A few minutes later, we were laughing at the thoughts of all of the possibilities. We still chuckle about that today.
Let me add this clarification - I in no way condone flagrant violations of laws or regulations and recommend gathering all the necessary information needed to make appropriate plans in advance of future planned transportation events.