Comet from the flight levels


Pre-takeoff checklist
Oct 27, 2016
Ogden Utah
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On my way home yesterday from Cabo FL260 over the Utah south desert, got a nice view of the comet. At first, I didn’t know what it was. I thought it was maybe a very large very high flying aircraft, or maybe a space vehicle. But then other pilots started talking about it on guard and someone knowledgeable said it was a comet. Pretty cool, guess this only comes around to earth every 80,000 or so years.

Nice pictures. We saw it (naked eye, binocular, and photos on the full-frame camera) at 0 AGL. I got to take pictures of the eclipse, some of the best aurorae I’ve seen, and a comet all in one year.
Currently 1/2 way between Bermuda and St Thomas in the open Atlantic…relative clear skies and hoping for a show tonight!
The second picture looks like you are on the edge of space.

The picture is super clear too; next time please get a clear pic of an alien spacecraft
Nice pictures. We saw it (naked eye, binocular, and photos on the full-frame camera) at 0 AGL. I got to take pictures of the eclipse, some of the best aurorae I’ve seen, and a comet all in one year.
Acts 2:19: I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke.

Sounds like the next president will be be interesting. No matter who wins half the country will think that!