Come to my fly-in


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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I have been to Gastons, 6Y9, "KY Fun Fest", Etc and decided I should make my own fly-in.

While I think @eman1200 and I managed to create what will become an annual fly-in that will continue to draw out the masses, I've decided to try it on my own.

So I would like to see if anyone is willing to come out and join me the week of July 23rd for a few days just to gather and talk planes. I have that week off so I think making a longer trip would be fun.

Given it is so hot that time of year, I was looking at airports up north.

Completely at random, I selected this little field called "Whittman Regional Airport" because it looks like they have a lot of space for camping and it is close enough to the great lakes that there should be some sort of a cool breeze coming off the water.

I don't have a ton of details sorted out yet but if you are able, come to my fly-in that I am creating and we can check out the sights.

Would be cool if a couple of you showed up.
Maybe if we get a big enough turn out, we can make it a yearly deal.

I will put together an attendee list and you can put down what days you are coming and what food you are bringing so we can be somewhat organized.

Also if anyone is familiar with this are, let me know if there are any good restaurants in the area. Might could do dinner out one night.
I don't know...crazy idea...I'm not sure anyone would show.
Don’t do it. He’s just pullin a fast one. Gonna spread the word about this cool party and then laugh at the one or two people who fall for it and stand around going ‘where is everybody
I dunno - your little fly in or keep going to watch the Green Bay Packers practice. It would just be too easy to overfly the fly-in. Sorry Bryan.
Something tells me you may have more attendee's than you're bargaining for. POA reaches a large audience you know...
Can’t make it. Give me a little more notice next time. :)
I can pretty much guarantee the weather will be perfect for this Fly-Yn.
I have been working on names:
The great Northern Bry-in

Keep an eye on the thread here though, I will add details as they unfold and share photos if it looks like I can really make this happen.
Gonna suck if it's just me. but the XC time will be nice.
maybe get some vendors, that could be a draw
Arrange an air show at your flyin and then we’ll talk.
That stuff sounds expensive.
I was thinking of taking up donations and setting it up under my non profit I call "Everyones Awesome Airplanes."
Its a 501-C3Po that takes money in and then I use it for [redacted].
Aw dang. I already made plans. I'm going to another fly-in, named after some children's clothing line or something like that. Bunch of yahoos cobbling planes together from parts. Hopefully it won't be too much like rednecks at dirt tracks with all the accidents they have. Who know, may only be a few people there and I'll leave and head over to your fly-in.
I can pretty much guarantee the weather will be perfect for this Fly-Yn.

Hmmm. I think this is fake news.

Wisconsin in late July?
Sounds more like hot and humid, probability of insect bites, certainty of airplane tie-downs being tested by leading edge outflows, followed by tents being flattened in torrential rain. :eek:
Even worse, a lot of Bonanza owners making too much noise.
Cannot understand why anybody would pick that location and timing for a fly in. ;)
If you really want to draw a crowd, get a very large tent and have women in bikinis serve cheap domestic beer. Honestly, that's all it will take.
I’ll wait to see how it works out and put it on my calendar for 2019.
Now I like Wisconsin, not in the winter though. If this is held during the summer months I’m in. Be cool to be part of the inaugural Bryan Fly-In. I think America is ready for a real fly-in, especially in Wisconsin as the Packers aren’t playing yet.

Wisconsin - Land of Beer Farts and Cheese. Had a hat from there that said that.
Arrange an air show at your flyin and then we’ll talk.
He could take the cirrus and demonstrate a standard chute landing.

Yes I get the joke by the OP, but it would be fun to see a cirrus chute pull and then 4 people bail out and spiral around it in their own chutes.
I thought about it, but don't feel like sleeping in a tent under the wing this year. In a monsoon rain. With tornado winds. And oven heat.

Love the idea, though. Keep up the good work.
I'm still trying to get past the "KY Fun Fest". I can imagine the look from my wife after she reads that on the social calendar.
I'm in! I bet this fly-in is so good, I'm going to find a way to go back in time and have attended it 14 times in a row.

Not to spill the beans, but I invited my buddy Burt Rutan and he said he'd be there!
Sounds like fun, can't make it. I'll have to give you my RSVP ( "répondez, s'il vous plaît,") now. It would most likely take me the better part of 3 days to get there....:rolleyes:
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Might eventually turn into something semi-big. Unfortunately it conflicts with my plans to participate in the re-enactment of the 1453 Battle at Gavere where Philip the Good defeated the Gentse rebellion.

Maybe next year

OK, this sounds like fun. I'll be there. I think I have some Knob Creek I can bring.

If you can arrange to have me tent camp right next to my Old Ercoupe that would be perfect. As long as the weather looks good I will fly up from Ohio. Don't forget to let the tower guys know you're planning this, so they can prepare for all the traffic. Also can you make sure to let some food vendors know about it, since I don't have much room in my plane for food and a tent, and clothing for your tent-flyin.

Oh and please let me know if you will have showers available, I start to stink after a day or two.
I'm looking forward to the after-show video. Especially if there's explosions. Lots of explosions. And beer.
SixPapaCharlie, I'll buy you a beer if I get to be in your video! Yeah, I know, someone's going to offer to buy you two beers to stay out of the video...
That's a good angle! hmmmm.

Honestly I don't really expect anyone to show up so there probably won't be any beers but a guy can dream.
I didn’t think I’d be able to attend, but now I’m looking at a possible day trip on Monday.