Come on, Canada! (headslap)

$550,000 to add a good muffler?

I am SOOOOOO in the wrong business.
Now that we've melted all the Arctic ice, there are resources to be had and fought over. A stealthy snowmobile could give the Canadians the edge in the coming conflict. Actually sounds really, really smart to me.
I am having a hard time imagining a stealth force invading from the direction of 'the ice', and at a speed such that a snowmobile would actually be a useful intercept tool.
I am having a hard time imagining a stealth force invading from the direction of 'the ice', and at a speed such that a snowmobile would actually be a useful intercept tool.

Don't Americans have Jeeps and troop carriers and stuff? Don't they wish they had some stealth technology on them? Those wheeled vehicles are useless on deep, drifted snow or on bare ice. The snowmobile being discussed here is not likely the recreational sort; probably a Sno-Cat or similar machine.


Shouldn't that be: Canada - America's toque???

Don't you guys call that a "toboggan"? That's what some Texans called it when I was down there in '86 or so. To a Canuck, a toboggan is a sled. A Power Toboggan is a small snowmobile.


From the previously linked Wiki article on the toque:

"In the United States south and midwest, especially Appalachia, it is often called a "toboggan"."

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