Touchdown! Greaser!
We want to be able to process 75- 100 hand written credit card transactions for an upcoming charatable fund raising event. Where do I start? Who do I use? Who is the cheapest?
We want to be able to process 75- 100 hand written credit card transactions for an upcoming charatable fund raising event. Where do I start? Who do I use? Who is the cheapest?
Square also has charges additional fees for rewards cards.
We want to be able to process 75- 100 hand written credit card transactions for an upcoming charatable fund raising event. Where do I start? Who do I use? Who is the cheapest?
Don't know where you got that info from, but it isn't correct for basic accounts.
Say we use PayPal, can I create / determine the transaction info that shows up on the users statement? I want the foundation title to show up on their statement so they know it is being donated directly to the charitable foundation.
Thanks one and all for your advice and help!!!
Thanks Rich! You are a gentleman and a scholar.
I had many, many problems with Square. We've used Square, Amazon, PayPal, Shopify, Stripe and a few others.
The best and easiest option to use is PayPal. Between the card reader - that actually works the first time instead of the garbage that Square uses, and the PayPal Here app - it smokes all challengers.
Square also has additional fees for rewards cards.
The only real competitor is Shopify, but it's really no different than the PayPal system.
I rarely use PayPal, and when I've tried, it's been horrible. I've been trying to order a book online from a non-profit organization, and while they use PayPal, they say you can use a Visa cars through PayPal. But every time I tried that, the transaction was rejected.
My wife then tried, with the same result. Finally, she called our credit card company, and they suggested trying the transaction while they were on the phone, so they could watch what was happening from their end. When my wife put in the expiration date of the card, our credit card company saw through PayPal that an incorrect month or year was being input by my wife. They say they've seen this with some frequency from PayPal.
I don't trust them.
I say find a business, restaurant, retail outlet that wants to donate to this Charitable cause and use them to process that CC donations... They already have the equipment and accounts set up.
That business will also see the charity money on the 1099 from the CC processor and has to account for the discount fees. Also, the donors see 'Bobs office supplies' on their cc statement which they have to put together with the donation. Also worth looking into your agreement whether you are allowed to process for another entity.
3- I didn't consider the angle on if the CC company and the IRS will let that transaction happen...