Coast Guard Auxiliary?

Fearless Tower

Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 1, 2010
Norfolk, VA
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Fearless Tower
Anyone here flown with the Coast Guard Auxiliary?

One of my college buddies is active duty Coast Guard was just suggesting I get involved here in Hampton Roads. Seems like a decent opportunity, but wondering if it has the same issues as the CAP.
I believe Kimberly out in San Fran does. She's had a thread on it already. Seems like it would be something cool to do if you had the time to volunteer.
Actually PM Scott Migaldi he dosen't post much anymore but does lurk. He was a probably still is pretty active in the CGAux in the Great lakes area. I think he'd know more than anyone on this board. Perhaps even Tim Metzinger in the DC area.
Fearless, check your inbox

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Actually PM Scott Migaldi he dosen't post much anymore but does lurk. He was a probably still is pretty active in the CGAux in the Great lakes area. I think he'd know more than anyone on this board. Perhaps even Tim Metzinger in the DC area.
I am still very active and an asst district staff officer for aviation in the area. PM me and I will be happy to chat about the program.
I am still very active and an asst district staff officer for aviation in the area. PM me and I will be happy to chat about the program.

Was gonna say... :yes:
Scott - get much air time with them? I've been debating them vs cap if I can do aviation related activities
Anybody want to share their stories here? I'm quite familiar with CAP, but USCG Aux seems like a mystery to me.
Hahah Ben thats the theme I'm hearing more and more.

Around POA, you hear it from the same 2-3 people over and over. The many people who are active in CAP are just sick of rehashing the same argument over and over.
Scott - get much air time with them? I've been debating them vs cap if I can do aviation related activities
I get as much as I can bid on. Others do fly more. I am an aircraft commander and there are only two of us on this side of the lake so I get asked to fly more than I can. We are currently budgeted for 2-3 scheduled missions per month/pilot. The air station directs what they want us to fly. We often get picked for the investigative service missions which is nice and different, you also are flying active duty people on those. Summer time there is what I call the 'dirty underwear patrol.' Since the AirFac with the helos is open May to Sept and staffed out of Traverse City we fly the logistics missions to move their luggage and spare parts between KUGN and Traverse City. In the winter when the AirFac is closed we also get called out for SAR more often. Mostly break of light searches after someone fell in the night before, usually Fridays or Saturday evenings and no one has seen the person. Then there is the typical patrols that we fly and report on.

The USCG Aux program is different than CAP. We fly with the active duty far more often than CAP would ever fly with the USAF. In this area we will fill in for the active duty on things that make more sense for small fixed wing. Like ice patrols in the winter. Cheaper to run us than to put the helo over on the west side of Michigan to take photos of ice. BTW those photos are used by the ice breakers to direct where they need to be. So you actually feel like you are accomplishing something.

In our district we start everyone out as an observer trainee. It typically takes about a year to go through the training and background security check before someone can get into the cockpit. After that, if the person is a pilot already, they can start the pilot training. That does include a trip to Pensacola for some additional training.

Greg I am the contact in this area if you want to get started. You and I would meet up and also an interview with Jim F. who would process your application.

For those outside of the area, there are some local variations in missions and organizations. This org, like any other has a wide variety of opportunities and personalities. What you get out of it is related to what you put in.
I don't think you can make a blanket statement not to join CAP. It depends on the Wing. I was in the Delaware Wing, Great guys, no pompus stuff and they flew a ton I mean a LOT of flying. Some Wings and squadrons are old boys clubs but not in the one I used to be in.

Scott correct me if I'm wrong but with the CG Aux you fly your own plane is that correct? Do they reimburse you?
I don't think you can make a blanket statement not to join CAP. It depends on the Wing. I was in the Delaware Wing, Great guys, no pompus stuff and they flew a ton I mean a LOT of flying. Some Wings and squadrons are old boys clubs but not in the one I used to be in.

Scott correct me if I'm wrong but with the CG Aux you fly your own plane is that correct? Do they reimburse you?

You do, and they do. I was going to sign up but my engine being past TBO kills my plane in their books.
Scott correct me if I'm wrong but with the CG Aux you fly your own plane is that correct? Do they reimburse you?
That is indeed correct. They do reimburse fuel, maintenance, oil on a per engine hour basis and the amount is based on the engine horsepower. You are also given some per diem for food, but it is a very little amount, usually only a couple of dollars per meal.
Will GC Aux consider someone with an Experimental?
Will GC Aux consider someone with an Experimental?
Yes, they will consider someone with an experimental. But I think what you are asking is if they accept an experimental aircraft as a USCG AUx aviation facility. They will also do that, but the aircraft must meet all of the requirements required of aircraft as outlined in the USCG Aux regulations. There are also local regulations that may need to also be met. So YMMV