Lemon Pledge?
Lemon Pledge?
Politely ask the owner. Where I rent, the answer is probably that you don't. Even if you made a mess, they'd rather have the line boy clean it than have a well-intentioned customer scratch it. Even if they are ok with you cleaning it, this seems to be something that everyone wants done differently.What is the most respectful way to clean the windshield of Other People's Planes?
Politely ask the owner. Where I rent, the answer is probably that you don't. Even if you made a mess, they'd rather have the line boy clean it than have a well-intentioned customer scratch it. Even if they are ok with you cleaning it, this seems to be something that everyone wants done differently.
Lemon Pledge and microfiber cloth.
Lemon Pledge and microfiber cloth. Same as I use on my motorcycle windscreen. Let it sit for a moment and even the bugs wipe off smoothly.
I use a mix of water and a little windex with a scrubby on the leading edges followed by a paper towel to clean up the dirty water.
Also agree on the wing leading edges. Spray bottle with soapy water (dishwashing liquid in my case) and a nylon scrubby. At the end of the flight, spray the wings, wait a moment (finish tying down), and wipe off the bugs quickly and easily before they have a chance to "caramelize"Yup.
I use a mix of water and a little windex with a scrubby on the leading edges followed by a paper towel to clean up the dirty water.
Be sure to not wipe in circles, but go in the direction of airflow.
I normally use whatever they have in the box in the baggage area.
Best thing for the windshield is this
Either direction will scratch the plexi. But the circular scratches impare the ability to see more so than straight line vertical scratches.I've heard this many times over the years. People state that using a circular motion will scratch plexiglas. But do circular motions scratch or are most scratches circular because that's the motion that everyone uses?
I think it's the latter and would suggest that any motion in any direction is okay as long as the proper cleaners and cloths are used and precautions taken.
I use pledge and/or plexus, whichever I have, for regular cleaning and NuFinish 3 or 4 times a year for polishing and small scratch removal.
I use old, cut up, soft, 100% cotton t-shirts for all my cleaning needs.
I used to use Meguiar's #17 plastic cleaner/scratch remover followed up by #10 plastic polish but the results were just okay. NuFinish is far simpler and gives me better results.
I agree with those who say you don't do anything to someone else's plane withou first discussing it with them.
Henning and BlueRooster got to it before me...I've heard this many times over the years. People state that using a circular motion will scratch plexiglas. But do circular motions scratch or are most scratches circular because that's the motion that everyone uses?
I think it's the latter and would suggest that any motion in any direction is okay as long as the proper cleaners and cloths are used and precautions taken.
I use pledge and/or plexus, whichever I have, for regular cleaning and NuFinish 3 or 4 times a year for polishing and small scratch removal.
I use old, cut up, soft, 100% cotton t-shirts for all my cleaning needs.
I used to use Meguiar's #17 plastic cleaner/scratch remover followed up by #10 plastic polish but the results were just okay. NuFinish is far simpler and gives me better results.
I agree with those who say you don't do anything to someone else's plane withou first discussing it with them.
Either direction will scratch the plexi. But the circular scratches impare the ability to see more so than straight line vertical scratches.
You want to go straight up and down when cleaning. You are going to put little scratches in regardless. Vertical scratches produce the minimum visual impact in glare and light flare when flying into a low sun. Circular and vertical scratches can create a blinding effect.
Henning and BlueRooster got to it before me...
I will add that whenever you get near the plexiglass remove your watch and rings.
Never use ammonia on plexiglass, you are introducing an oxidant to a hydrocarbon.
No Windex! Even if you are only using it on your leading edges, a small amount of overspray can end up on your plexiglass depending on wind conditions. This can contribute to crazing (micro-cracking) of the acrylic surface. I use Plexus or Pledge. I mostly use Pledge because it works just as good, a lot cheaper, and nothing in the active ingredients that will harm acrylic. If the plexiglass is dirty please don't spray some Pledge and immediately start wiping it. You are just grinding sand and other hard contaminants unto the surface and scratching the crap out of it. Clean with water first to wash off the dirt, then use a good plastic cleaner with microfiber.
Lemon Pledge will yellow it over time.