cleaning rental windshields

Does anyone use maguire ' s quick detailer with a microfiber cloth? I used that on my motorcycle helmet visor and it worked great at removing bugs without scratching. Plus it seemed to leave a small film of protection on it.
The only thing yellow about Lemon Pledge is the can.

True, however color is caused by the free electrons available in an atom, and something about Lemon Pledge changes both Plexiglass and Isinglass yellow with time and use in my experience, Isinglass about twice as fast. Just trying to give you a heads up, it's not a horrible effect either so it's no big deal, it just gets a yellow tinge.
True, however color is caused by the free electrons available in an atom,

I may have to go to church.....God save me!

You need to tell that to the classic car guys who have been using Pledge by the tens of thousands for 6 decades.


Wait! You must mean wiping it on Kodacolor, like my avatar.
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If the bugs are stuck on real good, use steel wool, but only if its a rental.
Anyone that lives in Love Bug territory will tell you the horrors of trying to clean those things. On my motorcycle I pour Hydrogen Peroxide on a wet cloth and lay it on the windscreen for a few minutes and then wash the remains away with water and peroxide mix. I then use Plexus or Lemon Pledge. Works on the airplane leading edge and windscreen.
Once you have a few coats of Collenite 845 on, the bugs don't really stick well.