By flying an airplane, you are automatically putting your own well being above anyone on the ground that might not be suspecting of an airplane falling out of the sky on top of them.
Is that really ethically right to do that?
Stephen, the problem I have with your premise is the limitation you have chosen to put upon it. I've modified your quote above to include all airplanes, which again is certainly a valid question but is it truly realistic? I think it isn't. Airplanes are generally pretty safe, yes there is loads of room for improvement, but using the chute over gliding it in to an off field landing are really not that much different in my opinion as far as risk to the public, with the exception that the chute is probably much safer for the passengers for most circumstances when bad things happen.
I'm flying Cirrus now and have had the good fortune to fly with an instructor who pulled. He was getting checked out in a Cirrus and the engine failed. They were in the process of landing in a field when at about 300 feet they realized they were not going make it to the field, which was surrounded by trees. So he pulled. He pulled, they survived without a scratch.
We choose to fly, it has risks. We choose to drive, it has risks too, pretty much the same types of risks (yes, cars have landed in houses and killed people). Yes we should minimize the risk to innocents when we fly, in my opinion not pulling really doesn't minimize the risk to innocents in most instances.
Cirrus had a high accident fatality rate when they first came out. Turns out pilots were not pulling the chute, rather they were killing themselves when they had a lifesaver they didn't use. Cirrus turned that around by standardizing the training and drilling into pilots that the chute is the first thing to consider in an emergency. Engine dies, establish best glide, then should I pull?? If at 5,000 agl, maybe not, look for a better option, like the airport right below you. If at 500 feet agl, yep pull and live. The potential scenarios are many, but if the first or close to the first question is should I pull, you are much safer in the long run. Pull to live.