If you are talking about the combustor drain valve, to my recollection that didn't change from the 712 to the 714. I've never seen that mode of failure before, but I suppose it could happen.
The problem here is simply some bad pre-formed O-ring packings either not manufactured to spec, or not changed out during overhaul causing fuel leaks, leading to fires. I've personally never had one catch fire, but I have had a fuel leak or two back in the day.
@IK04, my FAVORITE thing to do as an FE was to be outside to watch the first crank on a motor when you KNEW they didn't drain the all of the preservative out. It's even better if a new Crew Chief was posting fire guard... "Hey chief, you gonna say somethin' to the pilots or just let it burn?"
Alright: now for the rest of you haters... How many of y'all have flown one?
All in good fun, each airframe is a tool for a job. Chinooks are big, but I'd argue it is not a good assault platform. It has been the
preferred platform by a number of SOCOM entities for the past twenty years. But, it DOES have it's limitations.