Since you you seem to be struggling with this let me try to explain it to you AGAIN. I wasn't giving advice to the op on how to strain the fuel from his Cherokee Six. I wasn't asking for, nor did I want, advice from another poster on how to strain the fuel from MY Cherokee Six. I didnt want, or need, a safety lesson from that same poster. And I most certainly wasn't asking for advice...or a lecture on professionalism...or a safety lesson...
PS. It takes a little more than a casual internet conversation with a guy named kiddos driver (not that there is anything wrong with that name) for me to take it personally.
Since you asked my advice, I would say your problem is exactly taking things personally.
You mentioned a procedure (skipping a certain sump drain regularly) that I think, from reading accident reports and understanding how sumps and contamination work, has brought down small planes in the past, causing property damage, injury and even death.
Bear in mind that this site is visited by pilots and potential pilots of all levels. Some have not even started training. They will absorb every word you write with a certain amount of credulity, adding it to their knowledge base of how planes are flown and how pilots behave, if even subconsciously.
Message: some experienced pilots forgo POH recommended procedures and "roll their own", so to speak. And that draining certain sumps is optional, regardless of what the manufacturer recommends.
I think I've already stipulated I held/hold very little hope of changing your mindset or procedures - they are apparently so ingrained that you go into defensive mode almost immediately upon having them questioned.
But hopefully the words I type and the warnings I give, along with their rationales, may get through to some here, so that they can see an opposing viewpoint. Maybe change their behavior, if not yours. Maybe even save a life someday.
Maybe it's the instructor in me that wants to do this. If you take any criticism from me as unwanted "advice", feel free to ignore it. You clearly already have, and don't need my blessing to do so.
If you want avoid any advice, just start putting members who offer any on "Ignore". You will then be able to mold this forum into the echo chamber you apparently seek.
Good luck with that.