Can you fly similar planes in busy airspace? Off a paved runway vs grass? Is it a reasonable endeavor to say I can invest up to $10k up front and $5k a year to fly? (Thinking 2 other partners).
Historically, no. Not to own, for sure. But as a renter, the math is different.
Now A short sunset hamburger run is "well, that's $200 that could go towards braces" vs that's $20 of fuel and the plane is just sitting there. As a renter, Is the plane available? Can I get there within 15 minutes of the time, or get charged etc.
Is 45 minutes each way reasonable to drive to fly for an hour?
The beauty of the PPL for me was, I would come home from work, see my son a bit, put him to bed. My wife would almost certainly fall asleep, and I would head to the airport around 9:30. I could do some take offs and landings all lit up, putz around a bit and find some landmarks, and an hour would, literally, change my outlook on life. AND - I wasn't taking away from time with my wife and (now 3) kids or job.
My daylight hours are pretty booked. I could take vacation, but that isn't certain. If a deal comes up, I'd have to cancel. Weekends are so precious because my wife is a SAHM. That's the only time she gets a break.
I figured a Champ was around $25k. $8 buy in if I can find partners. Figured $300/month each for hangar, insurance and annual.
Whatever an OH would cost/1800 hours + oil change + fuel/ hour usage would be the hourly rate.
In my mind, it shouldn't be hard. In real life, you have to find partners, find the plane, get insurance.