CFI for Super Viking in So. Cal.?

Bellanca BSV

Filing Flight Plan
Feb 19, 2021
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Hello People,

I am hoping to find a flight instructor with BSV time I can hire to come to Long Beach and teach me to fly this 1973 Bellanca Super Viking that is hangared here. I am a Cessna 172M VFR pilot with about 400 hours. We also have a Piper Lance I’d like to learn to fly but the Super Viking is the big priority, and I am anxious. I have a day job that ties me up most mornings, but am available in the afternoons, and most all weekends.

Tim 562-895-8990
Fly the Lance a bit first, its will get you used to a heavier more complex airplane. The Viking is a great flying machine. It's also more performance, I found it hard to teach in. Get a good understanding of how the rudder/nose gear works compared to most other planes. I'm sure there must be other Viking owners who use CFI's in SoCal.