I got to look inside an Epic (the experimental version) last weekend that belongs to a guy I once flew with in a Malibu. It's smaller inside than I expected but comfy. Downsides are no windshield de-ice and no baggage compartments at all. He said he's not having any trouble with CG issues, but I'd sure miss my nose baggage compartment for balancing things. I was also surprised to learn that there's no downlocks on the gear, it uses hydraulic pressure to hold them down according to the owner, who should know since he had a hand in putting it all together. He climbs under the wings and inserts pins before the plane gets towed to the hangar just to make sure the legs don't fold. Still, I wouldn't mind having one, especially the certified Dynasty version. He also said it was easy to fly and quite stable unlike a turbine powered Lancair 4.