Cerebral Microbleeds



An MRI showed incidental cerebral microbleeds. What is the implication of this on current and future FAA medical status? I searched online and could not find anything specific to the FAA. There are no other related symptoms, no hypertension, or any other coronary events or disease. The doctor said it is becoming more common to find this on MRIs, especially with the advancement and frequency of MRI technology and exams.
There are some studies that indicate these are an indicator of small vessel disease. This could end up bringing about a stroke. The first thing you need to do is to make sure you're healthy. There may be other tests that your physician chose to do. You also want to get your BP and Cholesterol in check (all the stuff you'd do for the related coronary vessel disease). I can tell you if you do end up with an infarct, then you've got a long haul back to issuance and you can't go basic med until you do.
An MRI showed incidental cerebral microbleeds. What is the implication of this on current and future FAA medical status?

Sounds like the FAA will make you spend tons to prove your healthy. Check with Dr Chien before doing anything officially on the medical forms ...
Why did your Dr order an MRI? What sx’s necessitated that test?
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