Cedar Mills, TX on Sunday 11/16

Thanks Bo. Let's do it again when we have more time to tell lies.


Name the time and place, that Mouse will go anywhere. And it don't hardly go nowhere without the Redhead.
Re: Cedar Mills, TX

I suppose I should start a new thread, but I really like this one. :D I'll start a new one soon. :)

Kim and I have plans to fly to Cedar Mills in April. I booked a cabin near the runway for Friday night, April 29th. Barb may fly too, so we may have a flight of three ladies for a girl's weekend. :)

If any of y'all care to join us for dinner Friday evening, or breakfast or lunch on Saturday, or for whatever, we'd love the company. :)
Gosh, that sounds like a GREAT idea- thanks for posting, Diana! :wink2:
...for the toes...

Re: Cedar Mills, TX

Spike, is that Texas red? Nice color! ;)


...maybe not...

...you all are just gonna have to model it for me... :goofy:
Re: Cedar Mills, TX


...maybe not...

...you all are just gonna have to model it for me... :goofy:
It's a deal! :D

Kim, I was just thinking....wouldn't it be fun to make a calendar! We could call it "Toes and Planes" and take pictures of painted toes with different airplanes. Spike's Bonanza could be the April photo. :yes: B)
We've changed our plans d/t the weather forecast. I won't be flying down now. Kim and Phil will fly down from Ada, OK this afternoon and fly back to Ada tomorrow before the winds pick up.

I'm really disappointed we couldn't meet up down there as planned. :(

My first choice of fuel stops, Tenkiller Airpark (44M) has had a foot of rain in the past week, so the grass runway isn't usable yet..perhaps it will be in several days.
So whatever is Spike going to do with his bottle of Texas Red nail polish?

Or is this a question best left un-answered?:eek:

Chris in SHV
twilight time iii.jpg

And so they did, on the best flying day of the spring--so far anyway. Weekend forecast is for more wind.

We've changed our plans d/t the weather forecast. I won't be flying down now. Kim and Phil will fly down from Ada, OK this afternoon and fly back to Ada tomorrow before the winds pick up.
