It does work however because he incorrectly perceived himself to be stronger by being uniformed and under instruction and fell he could issue me an order and confront me as an authority. He was incorrect, I corrected him, he got educated, so did his posse.
At the recent Cable air show pilot’s briefing Bob Cable asked everyone to keep nonessential personnel on the other side of the rope barrier. He had a long list of all the people who were nonessential.
My wife (Ed) is considered essential because she helps with my preflight list and pushes me out past the no props spinning line so I can start the engine.
This is a part of what the FAA requires in order to issue a waiver for an air show and necessary so that things don’t go missing out of the performers aircraft.
At my request my Ed went to get something out of the aircraft that was on the other side of the rope barrier and she was stopped by a Civil Air Patrol Cadet who told her she needed to have a performer’s badge.
He was trying to do his job and my wife bullied him into letting her go by pointing out that none of the crew had badges using the mom voice.
I talked to him later and thanked him for protecting my aircraft and making the show possible.
I don’t think that he or his friends felt that the uniform gave him the power to boss people around although I did not ask specifically. He did ask me why some people did not cooperate.
I showed Ed this thread and she admitted she had bullied the cadet rather than talking to the ramp boss because it was easier to bully the cadet.
She has promised to try to be more sensitive and appreciative of volunteers at future air shows.
It was entirely my fault because I had sent Ed on a mission without the tools and knowledge to accomplish the mission because I was too busy eating my chicken kabob and I had left my hat in the aircraft. I too will try to have better situational awareness at future airshows.
I have not seen a better way to manage the situation at aviation events and I am grateful for all the volunteers including the Civil Air Patrol.
There are bound to be people at an aviation event who don’t want to follow the rules and it is unfortunate that they feel they have to abuse the volunteers to aggrandize their self image.
Justifying bullying a young volunteer by pretending that the cadet had a bad attitude because he thought that the uniform gave him authority and pretending that the cadet learned an important life lesson is an insight into the malefactor’s personality.
I suspect there are cadets in uniform who abuse their perceived power although I have not encountered them.
I have seen them escalate when their mission is threatened by a persistent miscreant and they do not have the tools to manage the situation.
Thank you for helping me to improve my situational awareness and remember how powerless I felt as a youth.
It is raining here in Nipomo, California so I am not flying.
I will go back to working on my lesson plans now.