Can you hear this?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Oct 2, 2005
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Can you hear this?

It is a popular ring tone that teenagers are starting to use now on their cell phones so that adults/teachers won't know they have their phone (could just turn it on vibarate but I suspect they think this is cool). It is a 17 KHz tone and I can hear it fine. Just for kicks I've been playing it when someone comes up to ask me a question at work. People in the 20's or early 30's want to know right away what that weird annoying noise is. Anyone older than that so far hasn't noticed it.
I can not hear it, even when wearing my ANC headphones at work.
I can't hear it. Then again, I don't have speakers on the work computer at the moment... :rolleyes:
I can hear it, so I had better not try to loiter in front of any Welsh stores, according to this CBS / AP news article:

The ring tone is a spin-off of technology that was originally meant to repel teenagers — not help them. A Welsh security company developed the tone to help shopkeepers disperse young people loitering in front of their stores while leaving adults unaffected.
I can hear it, so I had better not try to loiter in front of any Welsh stores, according to this CBS / AP news article:

Yeah. It is a very annoying tone. I also suspect that some people's speakers may not be able to reproduce the sound very well. Although my $7 Logitech speakers do it fine.
my son hears it loud and clear - I can pick up a tone with one ear and only if I turn my head just so ...
Given what Jesse did to Nick a couple of weeks ago, and given he did not describe exactly what we are listening for, it would not surprise me in the least if this is another one of his hoaxes.

"The Emperor's new Clothes"
Given what Jesse did to Nick a couple of weeks ago, and given he did not describe exactly what we are listening for, it would not surprise me in the least if this is another one of his hoaxes.

"The Emperor's new Clothes"

Nah this is legit. lol
Yikes. I can't imagine using that. Even if the teacher didn't hear, every student in the room would turn around or cover their ears.
i can hear it. freaked my roomates out in the other room.

"wtf is that!?"
37 and I hear it just fine, and boy that is one ANNOYING sound.
Given what Jesse did to Nick a couple of weeks ago, and given he did not describe exactly what we are listening for, it would not surprise me in the least if this is another one of his hoaxes.

"The Emperor's new Clothes"

I was thinking the same thing too since I don't hear anything when I play it, but I called my two teenage daughters into the room and played it. They immediately put their hands over their ears and asked me to turn off that weird noise.
55 and I do well on all the usual hearing tests, but I can't hear this at all, with all the gain up to max. I had to load it into an audio editor and see the wave displayed on the screen to be convinced there was actually something there.

-- Pilawt
I hear a low tone somewhere below middle C. I hear nothing in the high registers but I just feel very uneasy when it is running. So my ears are hearing it and something is registering but it isn't "sound".

Cool! Dinna hear a thing!

Now if we can just get children to do all their talking, play all their music at 17Khz!

I can hear it fine and my hearing is supposed be damaged from being around jet engines in the Navy. I wasn't the best at wearing ear protection when ashore.
I can hear it just fine @ 38. I am also a freak about hearing protection. I buy them buy the case. When ever I am on equipment our using chain saws I am using them. When I am on my dozer I use pluges and the over the ear type.
I'm 32 and I can hear it fine with my left ear, but just barely with my right which has damage from a airbag going off a few years ago.

My dad used to think I was nuts when I complained about the awefull noise the tv makes even with the volume all the way down. I can still hear the tv, but not as much as I could.
25, I heard it, and so did Piper (he looked up and then at me questioningly).

But main - that actually was painful to hear - not like "ear pain" but I felt something else in me going "Turn it off, turn it off, turn it off"
25, I heard it, and so did Piper (he looked up and then at me questioningly).

But main - that actually was painful to hear - not like "ear pain" but I felt something else in me going "Turn it off, turn it off, turn it off"
Sort of reminds me of the Batman movie with Jim Carry... one must wonder what's really happening here! :D
my roomate claimed that he could feel something funny in his chest when it was going off. maybe it is in tune with the Brown Note :rofl:
Can you hear this?

It is a popular ring tone that teenagers are starting to use now on their cell phones so that adults/teachers won't know they have their phone (could just turn it on vibarate but I suspect they think this is cool). It is a 17 KHz tone and I can hear it fine. Just for kicks I've been playing it when someone comes up to ask me a question at work. People in the 20's or early 30's want to know right away what that weird annoying noise is. Anyone older than that so far hasn't noticed it.

That's freaking awfull, and I'm 41, why would I want that squeal for my phone?
I couldn't hear it through my laptop speakers going down the road in the truck, but that's prolly 'cuz it's noisy in here and I had that bone-on-the-eardrum thing going on. (Forget what that's called.)

Put the Lightspeeds on, and I heard it. I tried each ear individually, and as expected I could barely hear it in my left ear. I broke a bone in my left ear (as well as my skull just above the ear, and my left collarbone) in a rollerblading accident in 1999. My hearing drops off significantly at higher frequencies in my left ear since.
Heheh... I couldn't hear it - but my dog sure could! She was sleeping, raised her head and looked at me like, "What the hell are you doing NOW???"

Me? Too many guns and motorcycles and scuba descents, I reckon.
That's freaking awfull, and I'm 41, why would I want that squeal for my phone?

Um..... so your high school teacher wouldn't know you had a cell call??:dunno:

But the more pertinent question is.......
Why at 41, are you still in High School???:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yes I can hear it too. Even after years...... No.... Decades of being a rock musician... ( Hammond Organ)
assaulting both ears simultaneously, at decibel levels that were guaranteed to bring on ear damage,
with 2 each, externally sound reinforced "Leslie" [tm] model 147's, (ala **Emerson Lake, & Palmer.... Vanilla Fudge...)

Yep! Amplified amplifiers. Ain't that a hoot?

......and I'm old enough to be Henning's father, and then some.

**Rock dinosaurs, to most of you guys...

. Edit... Oh yeah Now I know what it reminds me of... My Tinnitis!!
Now I know what to tell the audiologist.... :) :)
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A low hum to me. Not irritating, but not much else, either.
Very faint, like a mosquito from 5 feet. Age 53.

Oh, and I can't hear bad PC power supplies that drive women and kids nuts.
I'm 32 and I can hear it fine with my left ear, but just barely with my right which has damage from a airbag going off a few years ago.

My dad used to think I was nuts when I complained about the awefull noise the tv makes even with the volume all the way down. I can still hear the tv, but not as much as I could.
Oh, I know what you mean! When I'm upstairs, I can often tell when the TV downstairs is on, even if it's not receiving a signal, because of the high-pitched hum. And I'm over 40!
Oh my gosh thats loud and annoying! Its like fingernails on chalkboard.