You bring up some good and valid points... What has peaked my interest in the last month or so is the Bengazi fiasco and listening to all the facts now coming to light showing a total disfunctional government agency.. The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.. People are blamed, admitted to the failure and thrown under the bus, and it turns out they ALL kept their jobs. A couple were even promoted.....
Reports are there are 256 embasssy's around the world. If they are staffed by 10 people then that makes for 2560 foreign positions.. Then Hillary gets on the TV, takes the blame and says the State Dept has 76,400 employees...
.... and it is hard to keep track of all those employees........ Ya Think ..
I had NO idea that the State Dept was even 1/4 that size.. So, if you put two and two together, the image in my mind is all government agencies are bloated to the MAX... And the FAA is probably just a bloated.. IMHO..