Purchased a PA 28-161 last november. Removed the ADF because I wanted the panel space to mount my iPad/Foreflight and I felt that ADFs are obsolete. I am now thinking about working to my IR, but I have been told that taking out the ADF was a bad idea as there are lots of approaches where ADF is still viable. The plane has 2 nav/coms one with a gs/loc and the other has a vor. There is no DME. The pitot/static certification is current. It has the standard 6 pack, dg, ah, turn and bank and a stand alone marker beacon. My home field is class D with an ILS, but no published ADF approaches that I can find. I looked at getting an IFR GPS but I am not up for spending the needed $ yet. Can I train for my IR with this setup or do I need some other equipment?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.