Yeah! Don't go cold turkey.Going from 116 oz per day (for probably years) of highly caffeinated pop/soda to nothing results in one hell of a headache..
Going from 116 oz per day (for probably years) of highly caffeinated pop/soda to nothing results in one hell of a headache..
For soda drinkers...remember all the calories in most of those darn things? Switching to Fresca or something similar might enable you to kill two birds with one stone - weight struggles and caffeine.
Fresca with cyclomines. It was very tasty. Once it was proven cyclomines were cancer causing, they reformulated Fresca and it's never been the same.I always drink diet which pretty much eliminated that issue. My primary concern was about the long term health risks associated with aspartame. It has only really been used in mass quantinty since the 1980s. That means the current generation of diet pop drinkers will be the test group to see if there are any long term cancer risks. I decided to step out of this group.
And a cigarette between your lipsSoda will be the end of me. When I die, I'll have a Dr. Pepper in my hands.
Soda will be the end of me. When I die, I'll have a Dr. Pepper in my hands.
Going from 116 oz per day (for probably years) of highly caffeinated pop/soda to nothing results in one hell of a headache..
Yeah! Don't go cold turkey.
You should be OK in a few days. I just saw a TV story that followed a Mom who gave up coffee for a week and got headaches. She was OK in 2-3 days, but jumped on the chance to go back to coffe when the week was over.
I've gone from a full 10 cup pot to 8 cups or 2 1/2 big mugs worth. Good for me, huh?
Is diet Coke addictive?
Going from 116 oz per day (for probably years) of highly caffeinated pop/soda to nothing results in one hell of a headache..
Going from 116 oz per day (for probably years) of highly caffeinated pop/soda to nothing results in one hell of a headache..
the antithesis of the above, the words that nearly got me banned from Starbucks ... "REAL Coffee! Like Folgers, Large"If I don't get at least two "quad venti lattes" every day, I'm a decidedly different person. And I'd probably have been fired a long, long time ago for lack of productivity.
(And, as far as my typical Starbucks order above goes, it's not as bad as it sounds. From all the crazy stuff I hear when I'm there, it's apparently not really yuppie-chic unless the order consists of at least 6 words... "I'll have a grande, no-foam, low-fat, one hundred ten degree caramel macchiato in a double venti cup with two Sweet n' Lows". )
It's nasty is what it is. Aspertame is sooo bad for you as well. I'll stick with sugar.
I avoid Aspartame and go with Splenda. I finally matched up cause and effect that excessive Aspartame was making me nutso. I used to down 4 or more 20oz bottles of Diet Pepsi a day.
Now my main challenge is finding drinks with Splenda in the convenience stores. There was was Diet Coke with Splenda but nobody carries it anymore. Diet Rite and Diet SevenUp has it, but they're caffeine free. Arizona Diet Green Tea has Splenda and a bit of honey. I'm starting to go with unsweetened Lipton iced tea. I'm supposed to quit soda anyway.
"Soda"??? Like, baking soda? Soda water? I thought you were from around here, where it's "pop".
If they came from the south you'd be drinking Sebmup and Cocola.
When I moved down here, I quickly came to realize ALL carbonated beverages are "Cokes."
Me: I'd like a coke, please.
Waitress: "What kind would you like, we have Sprite, orange, rootbeer..."
Me: Uh, just a Coke, please.
When I moved UP here, I realized that NOT all carbonated dark beverages are 'coke'.
Me: I'll have a coke, please.
Waitress: I'm sorry, we only have Pepsi.
Me: That's what I said.
Life is far too short to live without coffee. Then again, it's also far too short to live with coffee made at Starbucks.
I feel soooooo alone as the only coffee drinker, one who prefers gourmet coffees, in my area that thinks Starbucks coffee SUCKS! It is as bad as Apple-fans with Starbuck'ers.
How's this... I'm an "Apple-fan" and I think Starbucks sucks too.
I'm also a truck driver and I don't smoke.
That's actually required by Coke to protect their trademark. They don't want to become as what happened to aspirin, which is what happens when you let your trademark be used generically. Usually the waiter will do a simple "Pepsi OK?" not "No Coke. Pepsi!" It's supposed to be the same when you ask for Jello and they serve Royal.
Just as soon as I xerox the printout of this conversation, I'm going to go soak in the jacuzzi with some jello shooters...Trademark dilution. WOOHOO!! I actually remember something from Business Law!!
Just as soon as I xerox the printout of this conversation, I'm going to go soak in the jacuzzi with some jello shooters...
hmmm, thought for sure I could come up with more lower-case, trademarks-turned-common-terms than that...
Just as soon as I xerox the printout of this conversation, I'm going to go soak in the jacuzzi with some jello shooters...
hmmm, thought for sure I could come up with more lower-case, trademarks-turned-common-terms than that...