
Just as soon as I xerox the printout of this conversation, I'm going to go soak in the jacuzzi with some jello shooters...
hmmm, thought for sure I could come up with more lower-case, trademarks-turned-common-terms than that...
Oh don't worry, just take a prozac like a normal person and go cry into your tissue. We'll manage to put a band-aid on this problem yet!
I've been caffeine free since 11/05, have slept much better since.
Quit for a week in the early 90's due to some tests and the withdrawl was worse than when I quit smoking.
Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!

I feel soooooo alone as the only coffee drinker, one who prefers gourmet coffees, in my area that thinks Starbucks coffee SUCKS!

wooo hoooo!!!! Another one! Up here, in the Land 'O Latte, there are mocha strands on just about every corner. And in our fair valley of about 55,000 people, there are 9, yes NINE, Starbucks. I much prefer Aut-to Mochas drinks. At least I can get sugar free mochas and mocha shakes made iwth REAL ice cream......mmmmmmmmm.........

Now my main challenge is finding drinks with Splenda in the convenience stores. There was was Diet Coke with Splenda but nobody carries it anymore. Diet Rite and Diet SevenUp has it, but they're caffeine free. Arizona Diet Green Tea has Splenda and a bit of honey. I'm starting to go with unsweetened Lipton iced tea. I'm supposed to quit soda anyway.

I was starting to get used to the slightly different taste of the Diet Cokes with Splenda. Then one day, they were gone. I've tried that Arizona Green tea, but it is WAY too sweet for me.

I go through about a 6 pack of Diet Dr Pepper in a ten hour shift. Besides the caffeine high, it fills me up so I don't graze all day on junk food.

I have to start bringing some of them Jet Alert caffeine pills. Instant awake. We use them on our motorcycle trips and long x/c's in the plane. Keeps you awake and you don't have to get rid of the excess fluids..........
"Soda"??? Like, baking soda? Soda water? I thought you were from around here, where it's "pop". :D

Oh you mean a coke! Not a Coke BTW but a coke. Coke is CocaCola whereas coke is just about any carbonated beverage. It is a more of a sourthern thing. We used that in Mississippi a lot when I lived there long ago. Florida to some exten too until it was invaded by all the yankee retirees.

I like the Midwest pop thing, when I hear it I know the person is from Chicago or around there. There is another Midwesternism that is telling of Chicago. It the using the phrase 'or no' at the end of a question. As in 'Would you like a pop or no'?
Oh you mean a coke! Not a Coke BTW but a coke. Coke is CocaCola whereas coke is just about any carbonated beverage. It is a more of a sourthern thing. We used that in Mississippi a lot when I lived there long ago. Florida to some exten too until it was invaded by all the yankee retirees.

I like the Midwest pop thing, when I hear it I know the person is from Chicago or around there. There is another Midwesternism that is telling of Chicago. It the using the phrase 'or no' at the end of a question. As in 'Would you like a pop or no'?

There's also "anymore" which anymore kids don't say anymore. And I don't think other towns have gangways but maybe kids don't say that anymore.

And we'll be asked we want a bag for our groceries. It turns to "sack" around Kankakee.