C172 a couple of hours ago at KBKV, FL


Pre-takeoff checklist
Aug 29, 2022
Lakeland, FL
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Fortunately, the pilot apparently walked away from this...
No other details yet. This is the airport where I'm receiving instruction,got this from my CFI there.
Missing nose landing gear...

Looks like he went off runway 09 after landing. Front gear failure?

Reg shows 300 hp- didn't know that was possible in a 172. Hopefully salvageable?
Never nice to see an airplane on its back after landing. Glad everyone is OK.
I was in the run up area one day when a student flown 172 absolutely thumped in and ran off the runway like that. Thankfully, there’s no airplane flipping berm at my airfield and he missed the runway and taxi way lights. The airplane stopped on the parallel taxiway, facing 45 degrees off the centerline.

Quite a spectacular arrival. My guess is he quit flying the airplane once it thudded into the ground and was in passenger mode until it stopped.