Bye bye

Y'all know Tom-D is on a big trip up in Alaska and usually does not post when on vacation.
Do I understand this correctly - the OP is leaving because he doesn't like the rules that he agreed to when he joined?
I didn't see the joke. However, I have seen (not necessarily from the OP) misogynistic, racist, and homophobic comments on this board. Whenever we let those stand it says to the world (maybe a 14 year old reading this) that those kinds of statements are accepted by this community. I'm glad the mods do the job they do.

Maybe I'm just a "snowflake" to many of you, that's fine. I prefer to read and participate in a group where "adult" means self-control of our rudest and most base behaviors, not displaying them for the world to see.

My thoughts. I appreciate the effort the mods make. I've watched the twists and turns this place has taken over the past 10 years, and every time I think about participating more, I think of my daughters seeing that participation some day and thinking "THOSE are the type of people my father chatted with online?"... and I just fade away for a few more months and just chat with pilots in person at the airport rather than here.

I'll crawl back under my rock now.
This post quite accurately sums up the crux of the issue.

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Do I understand this correctly - the OP is leaving because he doesn't like the rules that he agreed to when he joined?

No, I think the OP knows a certain mod has it out for him and he's decided to push her buttons and consequently he's expecting to be banned, vice intentionally leaving.
No, I think the OP knows a certain mod has it out for him and he's decided to push her buttons and consequently he's expecting to be banned, vice intentionally leaving.

I don't think a certain mod has it out for him, I think it's just that that particular mod is the only one of them who isn't afraid to let her opinion be known on the forums instead of just through PMs. She takes the fall for the collective decision that they make, which, while crummy, is her own decision.

Honestly, I'm surprised that mod still bothers with this place, but apparently her skin is pretty damn thick. While I haven't always agreed with the mods' decisions here, I know she isn't the only one making them and she seems like the kind of person I wouldn't mind clinking beers with one day.
I don't think a certain mod has it out for him, I think it's just that that particular mod is the only one of them who isn't afraid to let her opinion be known on the forums instead of just through PMs. She takes the fall for the collective decision that they make, which, while crummy, is her own decision.

Honestly, I'm surprised that mod still bothers with this place, but apparently her skin is pretty damn thick. While I haven't always agreed with the mods' decisions here, I know she isn't the only one making them and she seems like the kind of person I wouldn't mind clinking beers with one day.
Reported for singling out a mod.
They are a single collective body functioning as one.

Except for Ted and Jesse and spike
No, I think the OP knows a certain mod has it out for him and he's decided to push her buttons and consequently he's expecting to be banned, vice intentionally leaving.

I don't think a certain mod has it out for him, I think it's just that that particular mod is the only one of them who isn't afraid to let her opinion be known on the forums instead of just through PMs. She takes the fall for the collective decision that they make, which, while crummy, is her own decision.

Honestly, I'm surprised that mod still bothers with this place, but apparently her skin is pretty damn thick. While I haven't always agreed with the mods' decisions here, I know she isn't the only one making them and she seems like the kind of person I wouldn't mind clinking beers with one day.

Heheh. It's both. He knew he was pushing buttons and Mari is fun to have beer with.

I still think the pitiful part is the reporter. The mods will find stuff or they won't. In a joke thread it's stupid to be offended. Every joke is offensive to someone.

Joke thread needs more Amy Shumer jokes.

See? LOL. You can't tell if I want jokes written by Amy Shumer or making fun of her. :)
Heheh. It's both. He knew he was pushing buttons and Mari is fun to have beer with.

I still think the pitiful part is the reporter. The mods will find stuff or they won't. In a joke thread it's stupid to be offended. Every joke is offensive to someone.

Joke thread needs more Amy Shumer jokes.

See? LOL. You can't tell if I want jokes written by Amy Shumer or making fun of her. :)
Except Amy Shumer is not funny. I find it offensive that you're bringing her up.
Heheh. It's both. He knew he was pushing buttons and Mari is fun to have beer with.

I still think the pitiful part is the reporter. The mods will find stuff or they won't. In a joke thread it's stupid to be offended. Every joke is offensive to someone.

Joke thread needs more Amy Shumer jokes.

See? LOL. You can't tell if I want jokes written by Amy Shumer or making fun of her. :)
Honestly, I'm surprised that mod still bothers with this place, but apparently her skin is pretty damn thick. While I haven't always agreed with the mods' decisions here, I know she isn't the only one making them and she seems like the kind of person I wouldn't mind clinking beers with one day.

I have clinked a beer with her, and you would enjoy meeting her.
Is a rake the proper implement for digging potatoes, or should one rather use a hoe?
It would be correct likely. Urdaho

Aside from that, you have a talking potato, and very soon will be making millions and can buy us all new planes.

DA62 please.
thank you
I'd almost be willing to bet a week's pay he's been sitting back swilling a few cold ones and having belly laughs over this thread. Yeah, Nate, I think he'll be back eventually.