Bye bye

Not at all bothered with strict moderation I think theres a good balance here and generally like how the MC runs the joint(been part of too many forums where mods give an inch and forum residents run wild). Theres a huge swathe of the internet thats a free for all. 4chan, 8chan, ED, SA, reddit will generally let you post anything( i mean anything) So I appreciate the stricter approach POA has here.

I don't think its "snowflakes" getting offended so much as just people wanting to chill in this walled garden here at POA.

Moderation is actually pretty chill here, heck they are letting this thread ride when most other moderated forums would have been throwing down thors mighty banhammer left and right for even questioning mods. POA has a pretty clear direction that the MC has taken it mostly aviation stuff and general life stuff in hanger talk seems to be the theme with a pretty low tolerance for memes and such. Instead of getting butthurt about that and fighting for a locker room/wild west subforum just let POA be its own little corner of the internet and realized theres about a billion other places that will let you post anything you want.
Let me get this straight - the OP left the forum because the mods won't let him post offensive jokes, is that correct?

If so, seriously, that's why he left? Seriously? Sheesh.


It is THAT bizarre.
I love this place because it's my own personal reality show! No need for TV! You guys are great thanks for the good times.
If you don't like it, don't read it. Just move to the next thread. If you don't like a poster, ignore them. The fact that we as a society have turned into such a bunch of snowflakes concerns me. Thank god for places like uncontrolled airspace where I can still get dick pics and see adult humor without others complaining.

I realize sexual stuff is taboo down there in Bama, but you really visit pilot forums to look at dick pics?
Old Bell 'long lines' tower. Used to carry hundreds of phonecalls at a time via microwave relay. Each tower saw the next.

Yup. Incredibly over engineered stuff. One of the locals here bought a few of them and then sold them later on at a tidy profit after need for pre-zoned tower sites came back with cellular and all. The NIMBYs started blocking cell towers but the long-lines towers were all grandfathered. American Tower ended up with a huge chunk of them also. Only really two national tower companies left now after all the mergers and acquisitions. The 90s was entertaining.

I have the official engineering drawings for the Bell System outhouses around here somewhere. Yep. They were built to a spec. LOL. Just like everything Bell System. I used to have a printed copy of the front page hanging on my office wall when I was assigned to AT&T as my customer. Hahah. Those things were stout. Same friends that bought the sites also contracted to take the cornucopia horns down with a crane and they dropped one on the outhouse. It survived it. Bent but still watertight and usable. LOL!!!

I don't think its "snowflakes" getting offended so much as just people wanting to chill in this walled garden here at POA.

We prefer "Gated Community for Senior Living" LOL.

I realize sexual stuff is taboo down there in Bama, but you really visit pilot forums to look at dick pics?

Hahaha I've been laughing ever since he posted that. The only "dick pic" there is an IFR flight from FlightAware where someone got "creative" with their flight path and routing... and drew a funny picture. So to speak.

A couple of two minute turns attached to a long "hold" that looks quite similar to a Johnson... Bar. Hahahaha.
I have the official engineering drawings for the Bell System outhouses around here somewhere. Yep. They were built to a spec. LOL. Just like everything Bell System. I used to have a printed copy of the front page hanging on my office wall when I was assigned to AT&T as my customer. Hahah. Those things were stout. Same friends that bought the sites also contracted to take the cornucopia horns down with a crane and they dropped one on the outhouse. It survived it. Bent but still watertight and usable. LOL!!!.

Man... that really was a brick crap house...!!!!
Man... that really was a brick crap house...!!!!

Corrugated steel actually. But yeah. We've joked about that day and the indestructible crapper many times. Even the lightbulb in the fixture inside didn't break.

When a swinging load comes off a crane because it wasn't rigged right -- run like hell.

That stupid Cornucopia hit the outhouse, bounced, and then rolled into a pickup truck. Those things are huge. And it was downhill from the outhouse to where the truck was parked.

Nobody under it, nobody hurt. Didn't even dent the truck. But everyone probably needed to USE the outhouse after that. A hard hat wouldn't have saved anyone under it, that's for sure.
Back in the ARPA/USENET and mailing list days, the delete key was your friend. Here, we can ignore, or just scroll on by. I've never reported anyone, killfiled anyone, ignored anyting. If I don't like it, just hit delete or scroll on by. Life's too short to get butthurt over something on the internet.
Hey now, just you wait on dadburn minute.

I strenuously object to your objection to my preemptive objection.

(Notice the use of dadburn rather than the more "offensive" alternative?) :)
Dadgum is more offensive? Whowuddathought.
Corrugated steel actually. But yeah. We've joked about that day and the indestructible crapper many times. Even the lightbulb in the fixture inside didn't break.

When a swinging load comes off a crane because it wasn't rigged right -- run like hell.

That stupid Cornucopia hit the outhouse, bounced, and then rolled into a pickup truck. Those things are huge. And it was downhill from the outhouse to where the truck was parked.

Nobody under it, nobody hurt. Didn't even dent the truck. But everyone probably needed to USE the outhouse after that. A hard hat wouldn't have saved anyone under it, that's for sure.

You wouldn't have to tell me twice, it would be more like get outta the way..!!!

A light in an outhouse..?? You guys sure live high on the hog...:lol::lol::lol:
Let me get this straight - the OP left the forum because the mods won't let him post offensive jokes, is that correct?

If so, seriously, that's why he left? Seriously? Sheesh.
If his joke was silently deleted I'd bet he'd still be here. I suspect it was the fact that it was pointed out is what made him leave.
I know, I was egging him on just a lil cause that's how I roll. speaking of roll, I could go for a good sandwich right about now.

someone really needs that as their PoA name.
You know he is at home in front of his computer screen in convulsions wanting to comment. Just give him time. He will come around.

We should troll for him with.........................................................BOOBS!
So, is anyone willing to PM me the joke that he posted that got this great thread rolling? I promise not to be offended and report you...

unless you are from Kalifornia, a transplanted Cajun, a mod, a Cirrus pilot, a coffee drinker, or are bothered by the Oxford comma then I'll report you just out of spite. :D
He isn't banned yet, so send him a PM. And ask him to share it with me too.

I did a couple of days ago but he has yet to respond. It's hard to know how long he will be on sabbatical and I'm freakin' curious.

I guess that since he isn't banned, we could ask him for an encore performance. That of course would most likely result in a permanent ban and knowing my luck, I'd miss it again.
By using this site, you agree to the sites terms of service. It says right in the first paragraph:

You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws.

If that's the rule of the board, then that's the rule of the board. There's no room for complaining since everybody agreed to these conditions when they became members. To complain now is like being that guy who moved next to the airport and started complaining about airplane noise -- he knew what he was getting into and shouldn't have moved there if he didn't like it. Yes, "adult" and "objectionable" can be interpreted, but the interpretation belongs only to the mods, and really the terms seem pretty understandable -- keep it clean, etc. I don't have a problem with crude humor (hell, I'm often the instigator) and it's really hard to offend me, but I'll do it where the forum rules don't immediately tell me up front that it's likely to be unwelcome. There's plenty of other places on the internet, it's not like this is my only outlet. That's my $0.02.
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I miss @mscard88. He posted a lot of good stuff, regardless of the controversial humor.

I also miss @Tom-D. He started many interesting discussions.

Then again, I don't really belong here anyhow. Maybe I should go away too.
i agree. i hate to lose any posters. hen, doc chien, tom, mscard and even azBB. honestly, it keeps the site interesting. I'm not challenging that maybe we need standards and moderation, but we've lost a lot of people that brought a lot to the site. I've seen the same on a couple of other forums I'm active on, where there becomes an in crowd and an opposition, and it always ends with the opposition, pot stirrers being kicked out or leaving, and a really boring groupthink being left behind. PoA is not there yet, but each of these losses makes the site less fun, IMHO