Bold Method Quiz: Oxygen Requirements


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
Today's quiz from Bold Method is using some good "correlation style" questions.

How well did you do? Which one (if any) did you miss?
I missed #2. Guessed at the wrong answer.

The info was reviewed during my recent prep for commercial pilot practical, but this particular point wasn't "repeated" during prep as the other info such as who uses it when at what altitude.
83 %. No idea about the Citation X question so I guessed wrong.

Got Part 91, 135 and military oxygen requirements scrambled in my head. Lucky to get any right. :D
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good timing on the quiz as I'm working to get the installed O2 system in the bonanza working again.
Sadly, only 50%. I've never used O2 so I'm not up on the requirements.
Scored 33% and I typically fly with a oxygen conserving nasal cannula pendent above 10,000 day or 7,500 night.

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Only missed the Citation question.

I seriously question Bold Method's professionalism...not a single question on 02 cans :)