Bob Odegaard Killed


The nicest most unassuming guy in person. Great pilot, great mechanic, generous in his support of local causes.

One of the Texas Flying Legends Museum pilots, as is his son Casey. TFL are at Wiscasset Airport KIWI from July to October 06, though I don't know if HE came east. I have some flight shots of TFL F4-U Corsair, but don't know if he(or Casey) was flying it(2011 photos). The name painted cockpit-side is "Col. Slim Lindbergh." I suspect that may be an "honorarium."
RIP. I'm sure it's a sad day at Wiscasset and aviation everywhere.

Sad. R.I.P.

Aviation can be very unforgiving. All of you fly safe.
Bob Odegard and Jerry Beck. Both great pilots and restorers of classic aircraft. If you get a chance watch the DVD Restorers. It shows their work and the love they had for it. R.I.P. Bob.
It is sad when committed, great people get killed in this avocation. It's a dangerous game, but he died doing what he loved. That doesn't make it easier to deal with, nor does it make it less sad.

The fact that there aren't more airshow, and race deaths is a testament to the skill of these pilots.
Is he the pilot who performed the amazing Bob Hoover Shrike routine at Oshkosh last July ?

His "Bob Hoover routine" was the most amazing thing I saw at Oshkosh...stellar performance by an incredibly gifted pilot.

Very sad...
I was just watching them fly last weekend...awful. RIP Mr. Odegaard.
Doug Rozendaal, Texas Flying Legends Museum pilot, at our local Wiscasset Airport KIWI from July through October 06, posted this on his Facebook Page. I know he(and its author) won't mind if I re-post it here. Doug wrote, "Have your Kleenex ready"

Sorry for the loss of your TFL brother Bob, Doug.
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Also from Doug Rozendaal's Facebook page:

Doug Rozendaal
The service for Bob Odegaard will be Wednesday at 2 pm in Kindred ND followed by burial and then a reception at the Fargo Air Museum. I will have a document with details for fly-ins soon. There is a convention in Fargo, and Rooms are VERY tight....
Also from Doug Rozendaal's Facebook page:

Doug Rozendaal
The service for Bob Odegaard will be Wednesday at 2 pm in Kindred ND followed by burial and then a reception at the Fargo Air Museum. I will have a document with details for fly-ins soon. There is a convention in Fargo, and Rooms are VERY tight....

Any word if they'll be doing anything in IWI?
I've heard nothing re your question. Without a doubt, the Texas Flying Legends' Cessna Caravan will be full during an unplanned trip back to Fargo.


[UPDATE]: Another memo from Doug Rozendaal:

"If anyone has tried to find a room you know by now that there are no rooms in Fargo.... But Fear not, this is North Dakota, and Bob is looking down from above for ways to highlight the wonderful hospitality of North Dakotans... As we speak people with rooms are being identified and I PROMISE you there will be a bed for everyone who comes to the service!!! Not only that, you will most likely make a new friend for life from North Dakota, and I can tell you first hand, that North Dakota friends are a priceless gift.... Please Pass this on, and PLEASE do not let this discourage anyone from coming to Bob's Service.... This is what North Dakota does best!!!!!"
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10-4. If they do something here in Maine I'd like to attend. They're doing an airshow right at IWI comign up soon, aren't they?
10-4. If they do something here in Maine I'd like to attend. They're doing an airshow right at IWI comign up soon, aren't they?

I think that October 06 is the date for their last show at Wiscasset. Then they'll go back to Houston for the winter months. Telephone Kim at KIWI and she can confirm or correct my October 06 information.

The crowds come to see someone 'die' not for the smooth flying...
There simply is no rational reason to allow low level aerobatics in this day and age...
Even the promoters of people tight-walking across the falls make the performer wear a tether... They know that every death brings them one step closer to legislation completely banning their shows...
Too bad that GA is not smart enough to see it...
The crowds come to see someone 'die' not for the smooth flying...
There simply is no rational reason to allow low level aerobatics in this day and age...
Even the promoters of people tight-walking across the falls make the performer wear a tether... They know that every death brings them one step closer to legislation completely banning their shows...
Too bad that GA is not smart enough to see it...

I think they should perform the airshows in an X-Box 360, utilizing Jumbotron screens set up in front of the stands, thereby ensuring perfect safety for all.

Sent from my Nexus 7
I think that October 06 is the date for their last show at Wiscasset. Then they'll go back to Houston for the winter months. Telephone Kim at KIWI and she can confirm or correct my October 06 information.


Thank you, sir! Will do - and will most likely be there.