Bloody hell.

Make sure you have up to date questions if you use them as a stud aid. The FAA is shuffling around some of the questions and introducing new ones, material you used a year ago may not be current enough.
If I were just memorizing answers, it would worry me. It actually ticks me off when I recognize a question and know the answer just because (for example) I've worked that same performance problem or looked at Area 3 of Figure Whatever a dozen or two times. I figure, either I have the knowledge, or I don't. If I don't do well just because the specific questions changed, then I shouldn't pass anyway.

If I remember the test answers, I can pass that test. If I have the knowledge to answer any questions I can fly safely. Big difference.
So you have five pre-paid hours of plane + instructor at a location that's far from home?

I would use it all up in two days by asking the CFI for cross country flights with dual instruction, and I'd do it fast, and without complaining, while it's still possible. Then I'd switch to a closer school and not prepay for anything.
Sigh... just got a text back from the CFI who's involved with the new school. Big surprise... the owner of the airport where they were going to start up is now being uncooperative, so they don't know where things stand. I think I'm out my money. Time to sign up closer to home, I guess.

At times like this I just have to remind myself... it may not be me that does it, but "time wounds all heels".
Sigh... just got a text back from the CFI who's involved with the new school. Big surprise... the owner of the airport where they were going to start up is now being uncooperative, so they don't know where things stand. I think I'm out my money. Time to sign up closer to home, I guess.

At times like this I just have to remind myself... it may not be me that does it, but "time wounds all heels".

And "it is only money" or, as some gamblers I used to know would say, "it ain't yer wife or yer life."
I've noticed that's most easily said when it's someone else's money.
It's only 5 hours. Big picture you're still better off than most who get burned in these things.
I think I'm more ****ed off at the loss of time. Now I have to go talk to a new flight school, find a CFI and get on their schedule - wasting time with that BS when I could/should be flying. Don't get me wrong, I'm ****ed about the money and if the new flight school doesn't get started will probably address that through small claims court just so I can say I tried. But the delay and disruption is what's really eating me. I'll take some time off tomorrow to start getting set up with the new school. Of course their rental rates are about $30 an hour higher, too, so there's that.

And there were reasons I went with this place to begin with -- not the least of which was that they had instructors who were not still in college.
Tough start to an otherwise great activity. Sorry for your woes. I wouldn't bother with the small claims as its sounds like the guys you'd sue arn't the guys who screwed ya.

Try not to worry about college age CFI's. Just like older one some are good and some arn't. Try to stay positive and soon this will be so far in your rear view mirror you wont even remember it.
Tough start to an otherwise great activity. Sorry for your woes. I wouldn't bother with the small claims as its sounds like the guys you'd sue arn't the guys who screwed ya.
Why would I sue the wrong guys? I just want to make sure to get in line if there's an actual bankruptcy and take a shot if there's not. Filing fees are cheap, doesn't take a whole lot of time and there's a (small) chance of success. I'll at least be able to say I didn't just roll over and let it happen. If they actually don't have the assets, then great -- I come up empty. I do see several aircraft registered to 'em though. If the assets are going to be split up by a bankruptcy court, I'll at least make sure I'm in the queue. That's how it works... if you just close up shop and say you don't have the money, you better have a bankruptcy filing or be ready for people to try to collect. I used to run a small corporation, it's how things work. Not going to let it overshadow my life, of course For flight training I'm moving on, the rest is background noise.
Try not to worry about college age CFI's. Just like older one some are good and some arn't. Try to stay positive and soon this will be so far in your rear view mirror you wont even remember it.
I don't mind young CFIs. What I do mind is CFIs who disappear after a few sessions because their class schedule picked up, or they got enough hours to get a better job. Happens, I know, yeah... but now I have to sort through and figure out which of them is the least risk. Just another distraction. I'm sure I'll find a good one, I just didn't want to have to change CFIs, especially now.
I'm sorry, I misunderstood you 'small claims' quote. Good luck to you going forward.
Fortunately it's not a whole ton of money... by the time you get instructor time in there, probably 5 hours tops. The money is one thing, but the MASSIVE PITA is another one altogether. And wasting three days of what looks to be perfect flying weather. I may go down tho the local place and get a head start.
In case you hadn't seen the other strings, and there are MANY that conclude: NEVER never Never pay a block in advance. The industry is just too unstable.

Screw the PITA aspect. You look like you're going to get your $600's worth.
In case you hadn't seen the other strings, and there are MANY that conclude: NEVER never Never pay a block in advance. The industry is just too unstable.

Screw the PITA aspect. You look like you're going to get your $600's worth.
Apparently not, based on what I heard this afternoon. Oh well. Moving on. I'll go get set up tomorrow with the school closer to my house, and just get on with it.
I'll take some time off tomorrow to start getting set up with the new school. Of course their rental rates are about $30 an hour higher, too, so there's that.

It looks like the 'cheaper' school didn't have a viable business model as their plane apparently ended up with poor dispatch reliability and they eventually went out of business. The economics of a flight school are not rocket surgery to figure out as everyone pays the same for fuel and maintenance. There is only so much money a savy operator can 'save'.
Wow, that sucks to hear all that you have gone though. I don't know how I would handle all of that, however when I first read about the closing I was thinking you were going to get shafted out of your money. Thankfully that isn't the case and you have the ability to fly off the money you paid out. IMO, that is worth the little extra drive, at least short term.

I am sure you will make the best decision for you. Just don't get discouraged, because once you have that ticket, you'll be free from your instructors for 24 months, until that lovely biannual comes due.
Wow, that sucks to hear all that you have gone though. I don't know how I would handle all of that, however when I first read about the closing I was thinking you were going to get shafted out of your money. Thankfully that isn't the case and you have the ability to fly off the money you paid out.
Meh... looks like that isn't happening. I think the new flight school that was supposed to start up is about to get swatted by the owner of the airport where they were going to be based, and they don't really have any other options around here.

No biggie. I'll account for it like this:

$XXXX - Flight training I got and paid for, which was good.
$XXX - What it would have cost me to get that same training elsewhere.
$XXX - Extra tuition payment, learning to never trust a flight school with money until AFTER you land. :)
Dale, I'm sending you a PM. I can personally help you pass your knowledge exam - I'll explain in the PM. Sorry about all you are going through.
This thread just got weird...

I always thought you passed knowledge exams with knowledge. Now I'm curious.
This thread just got weird...

I always thought you passed knowledge exams with knowledge. Now I'm curious.

Same. I've taken about 8 knowledge exams. Never scored below a 96%. The best way to pass them is to study, study, study!
Well, busy day today getting recovered from the little setback.

I went down to the close-by airport (KMLE) to get signed up and on their reservation system. The front counter gal asked when I wanted to start flying -- I said, "Well, what time is it?" She got the hint. We set up a lesson for 4 PM. Met the new CFI, we went over paperwork, preflighted and took N9TA up. Funny thing is, N9TA is the first plane I ever flew -- on a discovery flight in 1999. Anyway, we did slow flight, power off stalls, rectangular course, a few other things and headed back. One touch and go and a full stop, another hour in the logbook. The plane handles differently than the other Cherokees I had been flying, and adapting to the new approach & runway took a little time. This airport is in a densely populated area, and it's the narrowest I've landed on although not that bad at 75' wide. We also had a gusting crosswind, which didn't help as we're skimming over the road just off one end of the runway on final.

I've decided that I will not take the folks at the new start-up flight school up on their offer to honor the time I had pre-paid with the old one. I have no intention of finishing my instruction with them -- they're good people, but the airport is much farther away and the runway and equipment leave a lot to be desired. They aren't the ones that took my money and went under. That was the old flight school, and it wouldn't be right to make the new guys trying to get started pay for old guys' mistakes. I'd be taking advantage of them, and I won't do that. I now have a new CFI and a school that's stable, they've been at Millard Airport for decades. They don't sell block time, they have better airplanes (and more of them, and not all Cherokees), and they actually cost about the same as the place that went under, when you account for gas to drive there and back.

As for Kimberly's help with the knowledge exam... it's frickin' amazing. One phone call with her and I can now pass the online practice exams with a consistent perfect 100% score. I don't even remember the conversation, really... I just remember that felt like a goldfish swimming around the same bowl, but it never got old. And I think there were marshmallows involved somehow, but I can't really remember. OK, maybe that was an obtuse collection of in-jokes. Kimberly, you're an ace, and seriously thanks for your help. For the rest of you, it does involve study, not magic.
My secret ninja study techniques cannot be denied. First I will help Dale get a great score on the exam, then Tracey, then the whole world!
If you want to get finished off fast, pass your written then go down to Sheble Aviation in Arizona. It will take you less than a week of hard work, but then you will be done. You will spend a whole lot less doing it that way than you will with a local school.

Granted, you will not have the flying confidence you would have had by going through all the flying your local school would put you through, but you will be a licensed pilot. You can gain the confidence by flying with pilot friends who will be glad to just be up flying. No more instructor fees.

Give them a call.

Kimberly, you're an ace, and seriously thanks for your help. For the rest of you, it does involve study, not magic.
I second this emotion! Yes, Kim, you are an ace! Dale, I'm next in line! ;)
That must be the right way. Tim knows stuff.
I think Muahahahaha is more of the evil chuckle, when the evil wannabe is proudly revealing his fiendish plan.. It denotes a person a little around the bend

BWAHAHAHAHA is the sound made while actually committing the atrocity itself or when it's over and he's left alone with the results. At that point the person is so far around and past the bend he couldn't look backwards and see the bend if he tried.

Think of "Dr Evil" versus Vincent Price at the end of "Thriller"... the first is almost pleasant in comparison to the second.

I think Nate had the appropriate laugh for Kim, given the context.