Bizzare Question

Brian Austin said:
If the shock thing impresses her that much....

can you PM me her phone number? :D :D :goofy:

Have you ever seen an "Electroejaculator"? You use it to collect semen samples from animals. You can get one at the Vet Supply, heck, TSC might even be able to order you one.
Henning said:
Have you ever seen an "Electroejaculator"? You use it to collect semen samples from animals. You can get one at the Vet Supply, heck, TSC might even be able to order you one.

Thats a little bit too much for me. I think I'd rather just make the move on the girl without the electrocution induced uh......pleasure. Seems it would be more fulfilling the other way.
rpadula said:
Heck, we EE's on this board will shock the crap outta you for free!

Lance? Ghery?

The power supply group where I work leaves all sorts of neat stuff lying around. Flyback anyone? :hairraise:


And I work with product safety types. If they (or our safety nazis) found out I was deliberately shocking people, oh the humanity!

Now, what we could accomplish with an ESD gun... Crank it up to 15 kV. You'd know you'd been hit. EMC labs can be fun.
NickDBrennan said:
Thats a little bit too much for me. I think I'd rather just make the move on the girl without the electrocution induced uh......pleasure. Seems it would be more fulfilling the other way.

Kinda depends on the girl.