Big Hypothetical here…

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Say you have a special issuance for an anxiety disorder.

You work for an airline and an incident (crash or whatever) requires NTSB investigation. According to FAA, medical records can be shared with NTSB for an investigation.

If the NTSB references specific parts of your medical history in a report, and said report then becomes public. Did the NTSB just doxx you to America?

Really dislike sending personal medical records to a government agency. The things we do for flight though…
Entities covered by HIPPA:

  • Healthcare providers
  • Health plans
  • Healthcare clearinghouses
  • Business associates

You see government agencies in there anywhere?
Permitted uses of your health information:

  • Disclosure to the individual (if the information is required for access or accounting of disclosures, the entity MUST disclose to the individual)
  • Treatment, payment, and healthcare operations
  • Opportunity to agree or object to the disclosure of PHI (Informal permission may be obtained by asking the individual outright, or by circumstances that clearly give the individual the opportunity to agree, acquiesce, or object)
  • Incident to an otherwise permitted use and disclosure
  • Public interest and benefit activities—The Privacy Rule permits use and disclosure of protected health information, without an individual’s authorization or permission, for 12 national priority purposesexternal icon:
  1. When required by law
  2. Public health activities
  3. Victims of abuse or neglect or domestic violence
  4. Health oversight activities
  5. Judicial and administrative proceedings
  6. Law enforcement
  7. Functions (such as identification) concerning deceased persons
  8. Cadaveric organ, eye, or tissue donation
  9. Research, under certain conditions
  10. To prevent or lessen a serious threat to health or safety
  11. Essential government functions
  12. Workers compensation
Really dislike sending personal medical records to a government agency.

But you probably wouldn’t mind doing so if you got some sort of benefit such as social security disability or VA benefits.
But you probably wouldn’t mind doing so if you got some sort of benefit such as social security disability or VA benefits.
Have you stopped beating your wife yet?
Not yet. But her chess game is improving. It is only a matter of time.
Do you only beat her when she looses at chess, or do you beat her for doing other things also?
Do you only beat her when she looses at chess, or do you beat her for doing other things also?
I usually beat her when we play scrabble as well, but it really isn’t fair considering she is a nonnative English speaker. But she does know the difference between lose and loose.
I usually beat her when we play scrabble as well, but it really isn’t fair considering she is a nonnative English speaker. But she does know the difference between lose and loose.
You know you’re losing when you resort to begging the question and spelling errors.
You know you’re losing when you resort to begging the question and spelling errors.
And you know that you are just being a foolish child when you ask unintelligent worn out sophomoric loaded questions such as the one that you used to start our exchange.

You should try to be more original. For instance, one could ask if you have stopped trying to kill your wife by crashing airplanes. Same type of silly question but more originality. And much funnier.
And you know that you are just being a foolish child when you ask unintelligent worn out sophomoric loaded questions such as the one that you used to start our exchange.

You should try to be more original. For instance, one could ask if you have stopped trying to kill your wife by crashing airplanes. Same type of silly question but more originality. And much funnier.
My original question was pointing out that you had already done the same, too bad you couldn’t figure that out at the beginning. And no, I don’t find your comment funny. Pathetic, impotent, and childish yes, but not funny, just as your original comment to the OP was insensitive and boorish, but certainly not funny.
It’s HIPAA - Health Information Portability and Accountability Act. Not HIPPA.
Yeah, I type that wrong so much my autocorrect changes it even when I do type it right.
The beating your wife thing is a well worn phrase indicating that you are begging the question. It's clearly not meant seriously. Your comments on the other hand were clearly meant to be personal. Pretend it's not, but it's clear to all paying attention. Maybe you need to stop drinking so much so you can see how abrasive you are being.
I think you are confusing one logical fallacy with another. In my understanding, a loaded question is not the same as begging the question. At least that is my understanding but I was never big on philosophical thought, rhetorical tools, or the study of logical fallacies.

But yes, I know it is a well worn if not worn out phrase and my first response was just to offer what I thought was a somewhat witty response about beating her in chess. Yet, you persisted in coming after me so I pushed back. I have now grown tired of it and am running out of fuel to debate further. I’m sure you can relate.
I think you are confusing one logical fallacy with another. In my understanding, a loaded question is not the same as begging the question. At least that is my understanding but I was never big on philosophical thought, rhetorical tools, or the study of logical fallacies.

But yes, I know it is a well worn if not worn out phrase and my first response was just to offer what I thought was a somewhat witty response about beating her in chess. Yet, you persisted in coming after me so I pushed back. I have now grown tired of it and am running out of fuel to debate further. I’m sure you can relate.
Right, so it's ok for you to be witty, but if I respond in fashion, then you think it's ok to make it personal.

Put down the drink.
But you probably wouldn’t mind doing so if you got some sort of benefit such as social security disability or VA benefits.

Heh. The DoD Health Record is the property of the U.S. Government, not the beneficiary or the beneficiary’s guardian.

When I retired, DoD notified the VA that the VA now had access to my medical records whether I liked it or not. Whether I elected to make a claim or not was irrelevant to that action.

I have a paper copy of my entire DoD health record, it takes up several 2” 3-ring binders. I had to specifically request it, but I can’t “take” the record from .gov and port it to a private sector insurer.
Say you have a special issuance for an anxiety disorder.

You work for an airline and an incident (crash or whatever) requires NTSB investigation. According to FAA, medical records can be shared with NTSB for an investigation.

If the NTSB references specific parts of your medical history in a report, and said report then becomes public. Did the NTSB just doxx you to America?

Really dislike sending personal medical records to a government agency. The things we do for flight though…
Don’t worry about it at all. NTSB reports are de identified
Don’t worry about it at all. NTSB reports are de identified
Except for the N number. And if someone, for example, crashed in a Mooney in an orange grove in Florida, all in the report, and the report mentioned that the pilot beating his wife the night before was a key contributing factor, “de-identified” or not, it’s “identified” - at least, now, on PoA. N number tracks easily to a name and address (for most GA, at least). But the story sure does, even if informally.

For HIPAA, ANY ONE of 18 identifiers makes it “exposed”. It may not be to the full world at the start but you can comfortably bet if, for the OP, the report says a diagnosed Anxiety Disorder contributed to the cause of the accident, it wouldn’t take a lot of sleuthing to figure out who has the disorder, especially if the local newspaper includes a post-crash statement by the pilot and copilot, with names and hometowns - and pictures. But if it wasn’t contributory, a medical history wouldn’t likely be mentioned in the report and therefore would not be easy to see.
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