Biannual flight review

wait so it is not called a Biennial flight review anymore? Because the Feds really don't like calling it anything than a "Flight Review" so is it Biennial or Biannual??
Biennial. "Biannual" means twice a year; "biennial," once every two years.

The Feds don't care if you use the phrase "biennial." My WAG is that it was removed because the phrase at least implied to some that it was in fact required every two years in order to maintain the validity of your pilot certificate.

But that's only a problem for the Semantic Police. Even the FAA still uses the term.

Me, I like it, especially since my new license plate, quite coincidentally, starts with "BFR."
As a consumer of "Flight Reviews" I don't care if it takes 8 hours as long as I'm learning something or improving skills. I also don't care if the CFI charges a lot as long as I get a lot of value.

Seems bizarre to worry about minimum times or CFI charges when we should all be focused on improving safety.
As a consumer of "Flight Reviews" I don't care if it takes 8 hours as long as I'm learning something or improving skills. I also don't care if the CFI charges a lot as long as I get a lot of value.

Seems bizarre to worry about minimum times or CFI charges when we should all be focused on improving safety.

I've never had someone complain about what I've charged them for a flight review, IPC, or anything really. It's just those that spend more time being negative on the internet and little time in airplanes tend to lose perspective of reality.
wait so it is not called a Biennial flight review anymore? Because the Feds really don't like calling it anything than a "Flight Review" so is it Biennial or Biannual??

I thought we cleared up my mistake early on. I would have changed the title when I realized it (after it was pointed out) , but I don't think that is possible.

And I fully expect this to take 3 or 4 hours. I don't think I would use a CFI that adhered to "bare minimums", especially since it will be my wife's review. So Jesse, if you were closer, we would probably ask you, and expect to PAY you for it too.
It typically takes me a bit more than exactly 1 hour in the air and 1 hour on the ground to conduct a flight review. Especially if I've never flown with said pilot before . I actually take them very seriously...think about it, if you were signing somebody off as competent to conduct a serious activity like operating an aviation appliance for a looong 2 year period, wouldn't you want to be assured that person is safe without taking shortcuts?
I tailor mine to the pilot. If it's a guy who has been flying the same aircraft for five years and 500 safe hours I probably won't be supervising his preflight. I WILL focus on operations consistent with how he uses and operates his aircraft, as well as any regulatory changes since his last review. It's not PPL checkride, which is why I think the FAA left much to the CFI's discretion.

I also ask them where they think they are less proficient so we can focus some energy on those areas. We always cover the minimum required, and usually much more. Those who make the minimums are probably flying with me 3-4 times a year for recurrent training anyway, so little need to extend the review beyond what's required by the regs.
I haven't had to do a BFR yet, so my question may sound naive. Why should a BFR last longer than a checkride? Anything more than that sounds like the CFI thinks that they are special and people must meet their standards instead of the standards set forth by the FAA.
I haven't had to do a BFR yet, so my question may sound naive. Why should a BFR last longer than a checkride? Anything more than that sounds like the CFI thinks that they are special and people must meet their standards instead of the standards set forth by the FAA.

This is an interesting question to me, from my own personal flight experience perspective. If I have learned anything at all about flying it is that "safe flying" must be, and can only be, a personal decision . . . a personal value if you will.

(Side note: The difference between a personal "priority" and a personal "value" is like the difference between shaving every morning and getting dressed before you go to work. Shaving is a priority . . . dressing is a value!:D)

I read through this entire thread, which I believe has yet to run its entire course, and I feel like I can detect the personal values placed on the FAA's rules from some of the participants here.

Until one is a CFI, who must live with his decisions to "sign off" on a pilot, then one cannot attribute "self aggrandization" to a CFI simply because he takes his job seriously and professionally.

It has been my experience that some pilots, who lack the knowledge and experience to be considered 100% competent, are the ones who tend to "resent" the check pilot. I know I did. I did not want a peer to criticize my flying and head work ability. I did not want them to "nitpick" and point out deficiencies in my pilotage capabilities.

Now, I welcome any CFI who can teach me something I don't know, and re-enforce the things I do. I am a sponge for the aviation experience of others. I have set a personal goal of improvement every time I strap on a flying machine. Because of my earlier flying experience (I've been out of the cockpit for 20 years,) I feel like an excited young newbie wanna be aviator again as I start my quest for a sport pilot license and airplane ownership. I want my CFI to "drill" me on anything he believes is important so I can reenforce my personal confidence. The last thing I want to be is the infamous star of Flying Magazine's "I Learned About Flying from That . . ." article detailing how I killed my wife of 39 years.:nono:

Since logging a couple of thousand hours during a tour of duty as a Naval Aviation flight instructor (basic, tactical, and instrument) you would think that I am the one who would resent a GA CFI from trying to tach me anything on a biennial review. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Aviation maturity, developed in part with a few close call over the years, teaches me to challenge myself as a proficient, safe pilot. I would be disappointed if a CFI took shortcuts just because they thought I might be "offended" because of my past record of flying.

I admire the CFIs who have taken the time to respond to this thread. After reading the FAA's written guidance on biennial reviews, (thanks for posting that,) it is clear as a bell to me that the FAA gives the CFI a long rope to decide what they think is important and should be covered during the review. The minimums (one hour ground, one hour flying) is just that, a minimum which satisfies the federal law. I would never purposely hire a CFI who only believes in minimum requirements in his teaching repertoire.

Finally, I learned from some pretty savvy Marine Corps, Air Force, and Navy flight instructors that the pleasure they attained from flying required a consistent diligence and pursuit of perfection. . . always on speed, always on altitude, always on heading, coupled with good headwork (staying ahead of the airplane.) I have discovered, during my eclectic flying career that the pursuit of flying perfection is a worthy goal, and one that yields a good measure of enjoyment and personal satisfaction. If you haven't yet tried it yet, don't knock it until you do. Also, thank your sweet ass for the professional CFIs who care enough about the personal safety of pilots and passengers everywhere to take their "jobs" seriously. I'm just pursuing a recreational hobby for retirement, but the responsibility of the CFI who signs my logbook is just as important as the one he signes for the 40,000 hour ATF pilot who flies hundreds of passengers weekly.:yes:
I haven't had to do a BFR yet, so my question may sound naive. Why should a BFR last longer than a checkride?
First, applicants show up for a practical test with their knowledge and skills honed to a fighting edge by a lot of recent preparatory training with an instructor. OTOH, a lot of folks show up for a flight review with severely atrophied skills and astonishingly faded knowledge. As a result, flight rerviews rarely if ever get done in the one hour ground/one hour flight regulatory minimum. Also, as discussed above, even if the reviewee is sharp as a tack, it will still take more than the two hours clock time some folks seem to think they should unless the instructor is pencil whipping the operation and counting the time spent watching the reviewee preflight and doing the postflight paperwork as "ground training."

Second, practical tests for PP take at least four hours start to finish if the examiner follows the book. It's pretty easy to do a flight review on a proficient, knowledgeable pilot in less than that.

Anything more than that sounds like the CFI thinks that they are special and people must meet their standards instead of the standards set forth by the FAA.
If you were an active instructor giving flight reviews to average pilots, you'd know better. Unfortunately, the majority of pilots out there (maybe the vast majority) think they're Chuck Yeager and Sully rolled into one -- and nearly all are dreadfully wrong about that. It rarely takes much to prove it, and only then does the real work of the flight review begin.
Now I owe Jessie an apology. After checking some records this weekend I discovered that we started at roughly 9:00 and weren't done until noon, thus we took 3 hours. For the life of me I don't know how, since we logged an hour in the air and we did ground training for an hour. Oh well, time always flies when I'm at the airport.

So my apologies to Jessie and anyone else who took offense at my comments.
Now I owe Jessie an apology. After checking some records this weekend I discovered that we started at roughly 9:00 and weren't done until noon, thus we took 3 hours. For the life of me I don't know how, since we logged an hour in the air and we did ground training for an hour. Oh well, time always flies when I'm at the airport.

So my apologies to Jessie and anyone else who took offense at my comments.


A true gentleman.
