Best way to control unruly passengers?


Ejection Handle Pulled
Nov 11, 2013
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I'm sure you've all them. Badly behaved passengers (not necessarily kids). How is the best way to control them? I flew with two drunk passengers yesterday and while they were fun, things did get a bit out of hand. I tried the whole "we're going to die if you keep messing with me or the yoke!", etc, but that doesn't always work trying to reason with someone who is sozzled.


Has anyone tried more primitive means, olfactory control methods for example? No, not tear gas or mace or anything like that. No, I mean something like a few judicious squirts of "liquid a$$". That stuff is foulgreat. It has to be hidden to most effective (to preserve the belief that it has in fact emanated from someone's derriere) . I'm thinking of trying that. It should work quite well with kids too I would think.

Are there any regs I should be aware of? I don't want to do anything illegal. Unethical or immoral I am fine with however.
How 'bout you just don't fly with drunk people? Works for me...
airguy, you beat me to the answer. Tell the drunks that they are off the passenger list... permanently. It is hard to do with friends but your life is in danger, too. Man up and be PIC.


Someone drunk enough to not know better than messing w/ the controls. What fraternity are you in?

What grown adult would behave like this on a plane?

1. wouldn't have flown them in the first place
2. If I did. I don't even have a number 2.

Maybe do some slow flight so the stall warning starts beeping and tell them someone has radar lock on you and that is the warning alert. If you got yourself into this position, you will need something far fetched.

So in general how to control the passengers
1. My kids get an iPad or small dvd player w/ headphones

2. Nervous passengers, I talk a lot to and repeatedly prepare them for everything "I am about to raise the flaps and we will feel a slight sinking feeling, that is normal...", "You may hear the stall warning just before we touch down, please don't be alarmed it is normal and expected..."

3. My wife, I give her a job. "Please take care of dialing in the radios, read me my check lists. " I try and keep her busy. My favorite was writing down all of my radio calls on post-its before the flight and having her make the calls as we entered / landed.

Basically, provide distraction or some tasks.

But the drunk thing, the only answer is so set limits and stick to them.
"Look guys we can fly but it is illegal to fly intoxicated passengers and I cannot afford to lose my pilot's license"

seriously, messing with the yoke...
What a mess.
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Impromptu aerobatics always works well for me. You never see people pull their belts down hard and shut their mouths quicker.
I just put on the O2 mask and depressurize the cabin, they go right to sleep.;)
Actually, as much as I used to like to drink, I've never had anyone on board that was drunk. I've had a couple get a little tipsy before landing, but they weren't in the cockpit. ;)
Why would you even consider flying with drunk pax. You might try landing at the closest airport and let them cab it home.
Vomit Comet profile. You don't even need to need to go to zero G, just a few oscillations would do it.

<edit: Hand out barf bags first. :D >
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Why would you even consider flying with drunk pax. You might try landing at the closest airport and let them cab it home.

If you saw these two ladies, you'd understand why I couldn't do that.

I am BobThePilot

I was going to call BS on this post because you outed yourself too quickly; then I went back and read "Bob's" previous posts. Totally buy that now.
Steep turn with a climb, 60° and pull 3gs then push it over for a bit of negative.
Followed by an aileron roll. ;)

Followed by puke all over the cockpit window and the instruments.

My rule...if you're above the legal driving alcohol limit you ain't getting on my plane.
I'm sure you've all them. Badly behaved passengers (not necessarily kids). How is the best way to control them? I flew with two drunk passengers yesterday and while they were fun, things did get a bit out of hand. I tried the whole "we're going to die if you keep messing with me or the yoke!", etc, but that doesn't always work trying to reason with someone who is sozzled.


Has anyone tried more primitive means, olfactory control methods for example? No, not tear gas or mace or anything like that. No, I mean something like a few judicious squirts of "liquid a$$". That stuff is foulgreat. It has to be hidden to most effective (to preserve the belief that it has in fact emanated from someone's derriere) . I'm thinking of trying that. It should work quite well with kids too I would think.

Are there any regs I should be aware of? I don't want to do anything illegal. Unethical or immoral I am fine with however.

Well, you just published that you violated 91.17(b)

(b) Except in an emergency, no pilot of a civil aircraft may allow a person who appears to be intoxicated or who demonstrates by manner or physical indications that the individual is under the influence of drugs (except a medical patient under proper care) to be carried in that aircraft.
Haha liquid ass, rookie, someone has never been in a jump plane. Take em to 12,500 quickly and you will have the organic version.
Well, you just published that you violated 91.17(b)

(b) Except in an emergency, no pilot of a civil aircraft may allow a person who appears to be intoxicated or who demonstrates by manner or physical indications that the individual is under the influence of drugs (except a medical patient under proper care) to be carried in that aircraft.

No I didn't. They may have become intoxicated during the flight. I say "may" because I'm not really qualified to say whether someone is intoxicated or not.

Haha liquid ass, rookie, someone has never been in a jump plane. Take em to 12,500 quickly and you will have the organic version.

Believe me, liquid ass is worse than any organic version you can concoct. Think feces meets rotten flesh and you get the idea. It is an excellent crowd control tool, and I suspect could be quite useful to subdue unruly passengers in a plane too.

I believe it is perfectly legal to use it.
So DW has two profiles? One for serious posts and one for comic relief?


I am Bob. Not a troll. I am truly this brilliant and gifted with unusual life experiences.

You mean gifted, as in - the short bus to school? Cause, having two drunks in a GA plane sounds like one of those 'hold my beer and watch this!' events. :yikes:
I found an elbow to the sternum works well. Just hope she doesn't have implants.
Spewing vomit everywhere can make flight controls, peddles and such, a little slick, and become a hazard in itself. It is probably best to follow the recommendations found in FARs and leave the drunken sots on the ground.

Myself, I think it would be plain nuts to go aloft with drunks.

No I didn't. They may have become intoxicated during the flight. I say "may" because I'm not really qualified to say whether someone is intoxicated or not.


:confused: Little late now. You already said that they were drunk or as you put it "sozzled."
Why would you even consider flying with drunk pax. You might try landing at the closest airport and let them cab it home.

FAR 91.17b Except in an emergency, no pilot of a civil aircraft may allow a person who appears to be intoxicated or who demonstrates by manner or physical indications that the individual is under the influence of drugs (except a medical patient under proper care) to be carried in that aircraft.

nevermind, I didn't check the 2nd page and someone beat me to it.
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