As a teenager, I took around 25 flight and 25 ground hours in a single engine plane. Ever solo'd but as I'm older now I would love to work toward getting my license in the future.
How is the best way to do it now? Paying for a rental? Group purchasing a plane?
You're not giving us much of anything to work with here, to advise you. What is "best" depends on what your definition of "best" is. Cheapest? Quickest? Towards what ultimate flying goal? (The best method for someone wanting to ultimately fly for the airlines can be dramatically different than for someone who wants to land on gravel bars and go camping.)
For some people, the "best" training would be full-immersion, 5-7 days per week, 2 flights a day, accelerated training, at a flight school that has multiple airplanes so there is no downtime, somewhere in another state so you are away from outside distractions. In fact, I think most people would say that's one of the best ways to learn. But that might not be the best for you if you have a job and a family.
Or if, for example, your goal is to buy a Cirrus and fly it around the country, then the best training might be for you to go to one of the schools that does Private Pilot training in Cirrus aircraft. Of course, that may be too expensive for your budget.
Many people advocate training in tailwheel aircraft as the best training, since they believe it makes you a better pilot. But since those schools are somewhat uncommon, that may not work for you if it requires traveling to another state for an extended period of time.
The local flight school is usually the first option considered. But what is their training like? Their maintenance/aircraft availability/instructor ability and experience/etc?
It really all comes down to what your goal is, what your budget is, what your timeline is, and your job/family situation. Give us some more details and we can give a little more targeted advice.