Speaking of underwear, I'm reminded of a friend that divorced her husband after just two years of wedded bliss.
He had several objectionable traits, some involving OCD behaviors. One in particular, I think, was the triggering event that led to the breakup. I'm relating the story as it was told to me, and I don't know if the scheme was true or worked as intended.
He had fourteen pairs of underwear. He demanded they be stacked in two groups of seven, with no two alike colors next to each other.
When my friend did laundry, she had to insert the newly clean underwear in the proper stack, in the correct place. This assured that as the underwear got older, it recieved the exact same number of washings as its mates, and therefore all fourteen pairs would wear out on the same day and be replaced with fourteen new pairs.
When she told me the story, I expressed surprise she hadn't killed him in the first month of the marriage, when his demands were initially revealed. She said she had seriously considered it.