Thank you for the link to the Starhip video! Had not seen it before.
A short story with photos. Some years ago a friend had asked me to go with him and see the launch of SpaceShipOne. I had not idea what it or the event was, but I joined him in the Mojave desert where we (and many others) were there for the event.
SpaceShipOne was cool and all, but what got my attention was "The Chase Plane", a Beech 2000 Starship (I had not idea that's what it was back then).
Here are a few snapshops of SpaceShipOne and Beech Starship from that event
Mohave desert early in the morning
Space Ship One before takeoff (or is it assisted launch?)
Beech 2000 Starship, the chase plane
Not sure who was chasing what here, but it looked cool
... and everyone was looking
After Space Ship One landed, it was paraded (towed by a truck) so we could all see and cheer
I didn't call in sick that day
because I was working the late shift, so we made it back to work after it was all over. Once on the job that evening, my friend and I were covered head to toe in dust and sand. I don't think I got much work done that night but I got some nice memories.