%$^&**!! Battery Dead Again!

" Pink Power " can't take cold or a period of low utilization...get a Concorde recumbent gas battery and maintain it = expections met
" Pink Power " can't take cold or a period of low utilization...get a Concorde recumbent gas battery and maintain it = expections met

I like the recumbent battery notion... It just lays around there, eh? :-)


Not true about the field approval. AC43.13-2B chapter 10 outlines the installation and optional relocation of aircraft batteries. Review the opening paragraph of the AC and it addresses how an IA may use the AC as approved data for a major alteration when properly noted on the 337. That 337 does not require FSDO approval if the IA follows the rules. Non-TSO batteries are addressed. You can put an Odyssey battery in your plane without asking the FAA. In fact you should. They make better batteries.

FYI- http://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Advisory_Circular/AC 43.13-2B.pdf
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By the way, cold preserves batteries, heat kills batteries. Keep your battery cool.
I've had owners that put in several batteries because they went dead in a matter of days. The shop declares the battery bad without giving it a chance.
You probably have a draw off of the hot buss (not many items) I have found leaking diodes across battery and starter solenoids causing the drain. Using the ammeter in line is my choice for troubleshooting.


Leaking diodes across the starter amd master contactors won't drain the battery if the master switch is off. The starter contactor diode would only cause an issue when cranking, and the master diode would only rob current when the master switch is on. Those diodes are across the contactor coils to suppress voltage spikes.

But there might be a leaking diode in the external power plug system, if the airplane has one. I recently found one of those in a 185. A check of the airplane's schematic should figure that out.

Fully-charged batteris are very hard to freeze. -50°, at least. I have run auto batteries below -40° with no trouble.

...You can put an Odyssey battery in your plane without asking the FAA. In fact you should. They make better batteries.
yes they do, with 2 of them I took 14LBs off my nosewheel


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