This is a topic I struggle with.
That of forgiveness. Worthy of discussion. I know what our church says about it. I am not to the point where I am able to completely agree.
It is such an important thing. I have benefited from forgiveness so many times myself.
I think offering forgiveness may be as important as it is to withhold it (contrary to my church's teachings). I am not saying withhold it indefinitely, or 'you must do A' to receive it, but to hand it out so freely....
If given too easily, or without proof of true contriteness, or making of amends, or of changing of one's seems cheapened, and less likely to encourage good behavior in either the offender, or in bystanders. "Go ahead, screw up, all will be forgiven!" Yes, I know the argument that forgiveness should not be a tool to modify behavior - maybe that's my issue with it. I find it difficult to forgive the same person repeatedly for egregiously bad behavior. And from what people tell me, I am not a harsh judge.
Miscreants get forgiveness (and more) at the drop of the hat (sometimes in the form of multi-thousand dollar GoFundMe-s).......but the hard working, Always Do The Right Thing Guy never gets any kudos, breaks, easy rides for following the law, or helping his fellow man, etc. Sometimes it seems a person would be better off by being a jackazz, then sitting back awaiting the prize.