Bad MMPI Results


Filing Flight Plan
Jun 22, 2024
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Hello everyone. Can anyone provide any information of what kind of FAA correspondence may come after a valid & bad MMPI after the standard ADHD evaluation? For the sake of my privacy, though I don't want to post any details of inside the report.
"We have determined that you do not meet the requirements for the medical certificate" is likely.

If you're lucky it comes "We are unable to determine if you meet the requirements for ..." and they ask for a full PPP work up (and if you've not had neuro with cogscreen probably one of them).
They will most likely make you do at least a neuropsychology evaluation to make sure any ADD tendencies aren't truly interfering with whatever task is at hand. I have no idea why they made me do an ADD test, maybe because ADD and anxiety can go hand in hand, but I had to do some test where I sat in front of a computer for 30 minutes and had to hit the space bar when a "X" appeared and some other tests.

I then had to go immediately take a drug test to make sure I hadn't taken some sort of ADD meds to cheat on the test.

Buckle in, it's a process!

Good luck!
It’s a load of crap. They just want you to spend more money before they’ll issue a certificate. The faa are pros at requiring people to do unnecessary tests and **** away money. They live to say you cannot fail an mmpi and then things like this happened. You have to make sure all your answers align and not answer based on what you think people want to hear.
It’s a load of crap. They just want you to spend more money before they’ll issue a certificate. The faa are pros at requiring people to do unnecessary tests and **** away money. They live to say you cannot fail an mmpi and then things like this happened. You have to make sure all your answers align and not answer based on what you think people want to hear.
Being one of those subject to all the test, evaluations, etc., I don’t have an issue with those hoops in themselves.

I DO have a huge issue with the amount of time the FAA takes and how they come to the conclusion of their reviews, after they already make you pay for specialist in the respective fields to conduct said tests and evaluations, and the extremely antiquated manner in which they collect and handle correspondence.

The existing process and timeline is horrible.