I have to say. Young Eagles events NEED to be run like a precision operation. These few accidents reinforce every bad, although inaccurate, stereotype about GA. "Old guys who shouldn't be flying run into each other killing themselves, passengers, and risking people on the ground".
This particular airport has been trying to extend its runway, and has fought off the anti's who claimed safety issues as reasons to deny permits.
Already the town supervisor has brought up that this accident shows indeed a risk. Its sad to say, we are better off with no Young Eagles events, than bad/tragic ones.
This accident hopefully will cause EAA, AOPA and all of the GA community to reflect on the real risks of our actions, and how to make sure that we do not confirm what so so many assume. Its pretty safe to say, this airport, local flight instruction (this is the second time small GA planes have made the news due to off airport landings/crashes this summer within a 10 mile radius of KBUF) and GA in a whole has taken a massive hit.
I know one ever applies power. Intending on the flight will result in an accident. But sometimes that isn't enough.