Cleared for Takeoff
Yesterday was a rare nice day here in the Philly area. Took the old L8 out for some air and pattern work. Monitored unicom the whole time. Unicom frequency was saturated but not due to normal communications. A PA-32 and an AA-5 were sightseeing and discussing their flight nearly non-stop on unicom. [I can see you, can you see me? Let's go to that grass field. I like this lake.] Ultimately they found their way back to their home airport and the babble mercifully ended. Did someone move the air-to-air frequency from 122.75 to 123.00 and not tell me?
Also, why do so many people announce that they are "clear of the runway" when everyone can see that they are clear of the runway. I can understand it if there is a big hill in the middle and you can't see one end from the other, but 4000' of flat asphalt - it just clutters up the frequency.
Also, why do so many people announce that they are "clear of the runway" when everyone can see that they are clear of the runway. I can understand it if there is a big hill in the middle and you can't see one end from the other, but 4000' of flat asphalt - it just clutters up the frequency.