Aviation Writer Peter Garrison


Pre-takeoff checklist
May 6, 2015
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Peter is one of my favorite writers at Flying magazine over the years. I have learned a lot about aerodynamics in his columns although every once in a while he will write something quite technical that is quite uninteresting to me. but I know that it is extremely interesting to someone else.

He also does an accident analysis every moth which is frequently quite interesting.

Anybody else have an opinion?
He’s my favorite, not only read but try to study the topics that go over my head.
I fell down the Melmoth 2 rabbit hole some time ago, loved the intersection of writing, software, construction, aerodynamics, and flying.

Did the same thing recently.
Peter is about the only author left at flying that is worth reading. The magazine has fallen so far down in my opinion that it’s not worth picking up, even for Peter’s articles.
Peter is about the only author left at flying that is worth reading. The magazine has fallen so far down in my opinion that it’s not worth picking up, even for Peter’s articles.

Fortunately the magazine has gone to a quarterly format, so now one just has to wade throught the muck four times a year instead of twelve.
I like Peters articles. I am an aero engineer and his discussion is always on topic. I wish he would get back to basics and not try to be a novelist. It’s time to move past the trials and tribulations on his homebuilt design.

the rest of flying mag isn’t really worth reading. I get it free from another subscription so I do page through when it comes in the mail. I don’t know who their audience target is anymore. The IFR plate discussion is good and borrows from the IFR mag idea. Beyond that, there are too many bloated articles. And too many forced articles that IMO, feel like the author ran out of topics to write about.