Aviation Scholarships in this "modern" era


Filing Flight Plan
Jun 29, 2024
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Jon Ryder
Is it just me or are scholarships, i.e. AOPA,etc., going down the same path as the other main stream member-funded organizations? Nearly a million and a half, presumably from member's dues, is going to these winners.
I don't know about AOPA's situation, but many times scholarships are funded by donations/endowments that are specifically designated for scholarships.
Is it just me or are scholarships, i.e. AOPA,etc., going down the same path as the other main stream member-funded organizations? Nearly a million and a half, presumably from member's dues, is going to these winners.
I believe the Ray Foundation is funding the EAA and AOPA scholarships. Do you object to member dues going toward scholarships?
FAA https://www.faa.gov/education/grants_and_scholarships/aviation

Aviation Scholarship Database https://www.facebook.com/avscholarships

The NinetyNines https://www.ninety-nines.org/
Each local chapter of the 99s also has scholarships

Women in Aviation https://www.wai.org/

Civil Air Patrol https://www.gocivilairpatrol.com/join/youth-in-cadet-program (kids)

AOPA https://www.aopa.org/training-andsafety/students/flight-training-scholarships (kids and adults)

Federal (adults) https://www.dol.gov/agencies/eta

The Ray Scholarship is available thru many organizations, such as EAA chapters and various locals such as museums and state pilot associations. It is not required to be members of the organization to receive a Ray. But you do need to be no older than 18.
Yes, all great scholarships if you happen to be a minority or woman, but my son is not. I'll look into the Ray Scholarship.
Yes, all great scholarships if you happen to be a minority or woman, but my son is not. I'll look into the Ray Scholarship.
CAP does not do that. Everyone gets a shot at free flight training.
One of the best “aviation training” scholarships is the post-9/11 GI Bill.
Yes, all great scholarships if you happen to be a minority or woman, but my son is not. I'll look into the Ray Scholarship.
Women In Aviation do not discriminate based on gender. Nor the FAA. Nor AOPA. Nor EAA. Nor CAP. Yes, some of the scholarships on the big lists are specific because the donors choose to be specific. Their money, their rules.
Yes, all great scholarships if you happen to be a minority or woman, but my son is not. I'll look into the Ray Scholarship.
How old is your son and what state are you located in?
Just make sure your “sob story” is worse than everybody else’s with AOPA